AllMinerals/JohnBetts-FineMinerals > Online Mineral Museum Photographic Archive > Minerals from Oklahoma > Barite with sand inclusions (Desert Rose or Barite Rose formation)



Online Mineral Museum Archive of Mineral Photographs and Mineral Descriptions from John Betts - 
Fine and


Barite with sand inclusions (Desert Rose or Barite Rose formation) from Garber Sandstone Formation, near Norman, Cleveland County, Oklahoma

Barite with sand inclusions (Desert Rose or Barite Rose formation) from Garber Sandstone Formation, near Norman, Cleveland County, Oklahoma

Barite with sand inclusions (Desert Rose or Barite Rose formation) from Garber Sandstone Formation, near Norman, Cleveland County, Oklahoma

Mineral:Barite with sand inclusions (Desert Rose or Barite Rose formation)
Locality:Garber Sandstone Formation, near Norman, Cleveland County, Oklahoma
Description:Desert Rose formation of bladed barite crystals with brown sand inclusions. The flower-shaped formation precipitated in a shallow sea that covered Oklahoma during the Permian period (250 million years ago). Also called a Barite Rose. Ex Jeff Weissman collection
Overall Size:7.5x4x3.5 cm
Crystals:15-25 mm
Archived: For reference only






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