AllMinerals/JohnBetts-FineMinerals > Online Mineral Museum Photographic Archive > Minerals from Russia > Rheniite



Online Mineral Museum Archive of Mineral Photographs and Mineral Descriptions from John Betts - 
Fine and


Rheniite from Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island, 178 km northeast of Hokkaido, Kuril Island Archipelago, Sakhalinskaya Oblast', Russia

Rheniite from Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island, 178 km northeast of Hokkaido, Kuril Island Archipelago, Sakhalinskaya Oblast', Russia

Rheniite from Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island, 178 km northeast of Hokkaido, Kuril Island Archipelago, Sakhalinskaya Oblast', Russia

Locality:Kudriavy Volcano, Iturup Island, 178 km northeast of Hokkaido, Kuril Island Archipelago, Sakhalinskaya Oblast', Russia
Description:Lustrous silver-metallic platy rheniite crystals mounted in a micromount box for easy handling. Rheniite is one of the few rhenium-bearing minerals and was found as sublimates in the fumarole vents of a calc-akaline volcano that last erupted in 1883. Collected ca. 1993; first described in Nature, 5 May 1994 issue; accepted by IMA in 2004
Overall Size:22x22 mm box
Crystals:0.1-0.2 mm
Archived: For reference only






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