John Betts-Fine Minerals Online Mineral Museum
Mineral Museum Image Index
There are two ways of viewing mineral images.
- View the 19 mineral thumbnail images with descriptions in the alphabetized list below:
- Click on first letter of mineral name under the Index of.. ..Minerals With Images. A listing of all minerals will appear. To view a large picture or
a mineral gallery for each mineral click on the mineral name. The photo count is in parenthesis.
Index of 692 "G" Minerals With Images [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G Minerals] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]
Gadolinite (5)
Gadolinite-(Y) (3)
Gadolinite-(Y) in Quartz
Gageite, Zincite, Leucophoenicite, Franklinite, Willemite
Gageite, Zincite, Willemite, Franklinite
Gageite-2M with Hausmannite
Gageite-2M, Hausmannite and Rhodochrosite
Gahnite (9)
Gahnite (four pcs.)
Gahnite (Spinel-Law Twin)
Gahnite and Pyrite (2)
Gahnite coated with Muscovite
Gahnite in Quartz (2)
Gahnite on Quartz (2)
Gahnite var. Dysluite
Gahnite with Almandine Garnet
Gahnite with Andradite
Gahnite with Andradite Garnet
Gahnite with Muscovite and Fluorapatite in Albite
Gaidonnayite on Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (scepter-shaped crystals)
Gaidonnayite on Siderite
Gainesite (4)
Gainesite with Greifensteinite
Galaxite and Alleghanyite
Galena (123)
Galena (argentiferous)
Galena (bar-shaped crystals) with Pyrite and Dolomite
Galena (complex crystals)
Galena (cubic and cubo-octahedral crystals)
Galena (cubic crystal with octahedral Galena overgrowth) (2)
Galena (cubo-octahedral crystals) (3)
Galena (cubo-octahedral crystals) with Calcite
Galena (cubo-octahedral) (2)
Galena (distorted crystals) on Quartz
Galena (distorted crystals) with Chalcopyrite on Quartz (3)
Galena (distorted crystals), Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite on Quartz
Galena (float)
Galena (foliated)
Galena (interpenetrant twinned crystals) with Sphalerite and Pyrite
Galena (octahedral crystals on a cubic crystal)
Galena (or Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite) on Calcite
Galena (plate-like skeletal crystals) with Sphalerite and Chalcopyrite on Quartz
Galena (Spinel Law twinned crystals)
Galena (Spinel Law twinned crystals) and Pyrite on Sphalerite
Galena (Spinel Law twinned) on Calcite with Chalcopyrite
Galena (Spinel Law-twinned) and Calcite
Galena (Spinel Law-twinned), Sphalerite, Calcite (twinned), Chalcopyrite
Galena (Spinel Law-twinned), Sphalerite, Pyrite
Galena (Spinel-law twinned crystals) (12)
Galena (Spinel-law twinned crystals) on Quartz
Galena (Spinel-Law twinned crystals) over Sphalerite
Galena (Spinel-Law twinned crystals) with Anglesite coating plus Sphalerite
Galena (Spinel-Law Twinned crystals) with Pyrite, Calcite, Chalcopyrite
Galena (Spinel-law twinned crystals) with Quartz (8)
Galena (Spinel-law twinned crystals) with Quartz and Sphalerite
Galena (Spinel-law twinned crystals) with Sphalerite (2)
Galena (Spinel-law twinned crystals) with Sphalerite and Quartz
Galena (Spinel-law twinned)
Galena (Spinel-law twinned) with Calcite
Galena (Spinel-law twinned) with Quartz
Galena (Spinel-law twinned) with Quartz and Calcite
Galena (Spinel-law twinned) with Sphalerite (Spinel-law twinned) and Quartz
Galena (Spinel-law twinned) with Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite, Calcite
Galena (Spinel-law twins)
Galena (Spinel-law twins) with Chalcopyrite and Quartz
Galena (stalactitic)
Galena (unusual growth patterns)
Galena (unusual growth patterns) on Sphalerite
Galena (with cavernous corner faces)
Galena (with unusual complex parallel faces)
Galena and Barite
Galena and Calcite (3)
Galena and Calcite on Dolomite with Chalcopyrite
Galena and Chalcopyrite on Dolomite
Galena and Chalcopyrite on Quartz (4)
Galena and Dolomite (2)
Galena and Fluorite (3)
Galena and Fluorite with Anglesite (2)
Galena and Marcasite with minor Sphalerite
Galena and Pyrite (2)
Galena and Quartz (4)
Galena and Quartz with Ankerite
Galena and Siderite
Galena and Siderite on Calcite with minor Sphalerite
Galena and Siderite on Quartz
Galena and Sphalerite (18)
Galena and Sphalerite (Spinel-law twinned)
Galena and Sphalerite on Dolomite
Galena and Sphalerite on Quartz (3)
Galena and Sphalerite with Chalcopyrite
Galena and Stolzite
Galena in Calcite (3)
Galena in Franklin Marble
Galena in marble (2)
Galena in Quartz (2)
Galena on Ankerite with Chalcopyrite
Galena on Barite
Galena on Calcite (3)
Galena on Chalcopyrite (2)
Galena on Chalcopyrite and Dolomite
Galena on Dolomite (3)
Galena on Dolomite with Chalcopyrite (2)
Galena on Dolomite with Chalcopyrite and Calcite
Galena on Dolomite with Marcasite
Galena on Fluorite (5)
Galena on Galena (2)
Galena on Galena with Marcasite
Galena on Marcasite pseudomorph after Anhydrite
Galena on matrix
Galena on Pyrite
Galena on Quartz (9)
Galena on Siderite stalactite (2)
Galena on Sphalerite (8)
Galena on Sphalerite with Dolomite
Galena on Sphalerite with Dolomite and Pyrite
Galena on Tetrahedrite
Galena over Quartz
Galena pseudomorph after Pyrrhotite
Galena scepter
Galena with Anglesite coating
Galena with Anglesite coating and Fluorite
Galena with Anglesite coating on Quartz
Galena with Anglesite coating on Quartz and Fluorite
Galena with Anglesite coating on Quartz with Fluorite
Galena with Anglesite coating plus minor Fluorite
Galena with Anglesite surface alteration
Galena with Ankerite
Galena with Calcite (6)
Galena with Calcite and Chalcopyrite
Galena with Calcite and Pyrrhotite
Galena with Cerussite
Galena with Cerussite and Marcasite
Galena with Cerussite coating
Galena with Cerussite surface coating
Galena with Chalcopyrite (8)
Galena with Chalcopyrite and Sphalerite on Quartz
Galena with Chalcopyrite on Quartz
Galena with Chalcopyrite, Calcite (2)
Galena with Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite, Pyrite
Galena with Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite, Quartz
Galena with complex crystallization patterns
Galena with Dolomite (6)
Galena with Dolomite, Chalcopyrite
Galena with Fluorite (5)
Galena with Marcasite (4)
Galena with minor Chalcopyrite
Galena with minor Quartz and Chalcopyrite
Galena with minor Sphalerite in marble
Galena with Pyrite (3)
Galena with Pyrite and Dolomite
Galena with Pyrite and Sphalerite (2)
Galena with Pyromorphite and Cerussite
Galena with Quartz (5)
Galena with Quartz and Ankerite
Galena with Quartz and Pyrite
Galena with Quartz and Sphalerite
Galena with Quartz, Barite, Calcite
Galena with Siderite (2)
Galena with Sphalerite (20)
Galena with Sphalerite and Fluorite (2)
Galena with Sphalerite and Marcasite
Galena with Sphalerite and Quartz
Galena with Sphalerite in marble (4)
Galena with Sphalerite on Quartz
Galena with Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite
Galena with Sphalerite, Fluorite, Calcite
Galena with Sphalerite, Quartz, Pyrite
Galena with Strontian Barite
Galena, Anglesite, Fluorite
Galena, Barite, Quartz
Galena, Calcite and Barite on Sphalerite
Galena, Calcite and Quartz
Galena, Calcite and Sphalerite on chert
Galena, Calcite, Barite, Sphalerite
Galena, Calcite, Chalcopyrite
Galena, Calcite, Sphalerite (2)
Galena, Calcite, Sphalerite, Pyrite
Galena, Cerussite, Sphalerite
Galena, Chalcopyrite and Quartz
Galena, Chalcopyrite, Calcite
Galena, Chalcopyrite, Dolomite
Galena, Chalcopyrite, Quartz (2)
Galena, Chalcopyrite, Siderite
Galena, Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite
Galena, Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite on Quartz
Galena, Dolomite, Chalcopyrite (3)
Galena, Dolomite, Quartz
Galena, Enargite, Chalcocite, Pyrite
Galena, Fluorite, Calcite
Galena, Fluorite, Quartz (2)
Galena, Fluorite, Quartz, Pyrrhotite
Galena, iridescent chalcopyrite, Quartz, Pyrite
Galena, octahedral
Galena, Pyrite, Calcite (3)
Galena, Pyrite, Dolomite
Galena, Pyrite, Quartz (2)
Galena, Pyrite, Sphalerite, Quartz
Galena, Pyrrhotite, Siderite
Galena, Quartz, Calcite
Galena, Quartz, Calcite, Sphalerite
Galena, Quartz, Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite
Galena, Siderite and Quartz
Galena, Siderite, Pyrite (2)
Galena, Sphalerite and Chalcopyrite on Quartz
Galena, Sphalerite, Barite (4)
Galena, Sphalerite, Barite in marble
Galena, Sphalerite, Calcite, Quartz
Galena, Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite
Galena, Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite on Dolomite
Galena, Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite, Quartz (2)
Galena, Sphalerite, Dolomite
Galena, Sphalerite, Fluorite
Galena, Sphalerite, Hydrozincite
Galena, Sphalerite, Marcasite (3)
Galena, Sphalerite, Pyrite
Galena, Sphalerite, Pyrite, Quartz
Galena, Sphalerite, Quartz
Galena, with Calcite, Quartz
Galenobismutite (2)
Galkhaite on Quartz (2)
Galkhaite, Orpiment, Realgar
Gallite in Germanite
Garnet (5 faceted gemstones totaling 1.56 carats)
Garnet (Andradite-Grossular)
Garnet in phyllite (demonstrating differential weathering)
Garnet pseudomorph
Garnierite (mixture of hydrous nickel silicates)
Garnierite (Nepouite-Pecoraite-Willemseite)
Garronite with Grossular
Gartrellite and Cuprite on Quartz
Gaspeite (7)
Gaudefroyite (12)
Gaudefroyite and Gypsum
Gaudefroyite on Andradite Garnet (4)
Gaudefroyite on Hausmannite
Gaudefroyite with Andradite Garnet (2)
Gaudefroyite with Calcite overgrowth (2)
Gaylussite (3)
Gearksutite (2)
Gedrite (2)
Geikielite (3)
Gem gravel of Ruby, Sapphire, Spinel
Geminite and Zdenekite
Genthite (Nepouite-Pecoraite) (3)
Genthite (Nepouite-Pecoraite) on Chromite
Germanite (12)
Germanite and Renierite
Germanite with Tennantite (2)
Germanite, Tennantite, Galena
Germanium (Synthetic)
Gersdorffite (3)
Gersdorffite in Siderite
Gersdorffite with Nickeline
Getchellite and Orpiment
Getchellite in Orpiment (2)
Getchellite on Orpiment (2)
Getchellite with Orpiment
Gibbsite (4)
Gibeon Iron-Nickel Meteorite
Gilalite, Kinoite, Apophyllite (3)
Gismondine (2)
Gittinsite with Vlasovite
Glauberite (4)
Glaucocerinite (5)
Glaucophane (4)
Glaucophane and Pumpellyite
Glaucophane in Eclogite
Glaucophane-Riebeckite var. Crocidolite
Glazed china and crockery fragments
Gmelinite (7)
Gmelinite and Analcime (7)
Gmelinite and Apophyllite (2)
Gmelinite and Calcite (2)
Gmelinite and Calcite on Prehnite
Gmelinite and Chalcopyrite
Gmelinite and Datolite
Gmelinite and Natrolite
Gmelinite on Analcime (4)
Gmelinite on Calcite and Quartz
Gmelinite on Calcite with Laumontite
Gmelinite on Chabazite (4)
Gmelinite on Chabazite with Heulandite-Ca
Gmelinite on Datolite (3)
Gmelinite on Datolite with Analcime
Gmelinite over Chabazite with Stellerite
Gmelinite over Prehnite and Calcite
Gmelinite pseudomorphs after Chabazite (9)
Gmelinite pseudomorphs after Chabazite with Analcime (3)
Gmelinite with Analcime (3)
Gmelinite with Analcime, Stilbite, Pyrite
Gmelinite with Calcite
Gmelinite with Datolite, Calcite, Prehnite
Gmelinite with Natrolite
Gmelinite with Prehnite
Gmelinite, Analcime, Calcite
Gmelinite, Analcime, Natrolite
Gmelinite, Calcite, Prehnite, Chlorite
Gmelinite, Datolite, Calcite
Gmelinite, Heulandite, Stilbite on Calcite
Gmelinite, Stilbite with Pyrite
Gmelinite, Stilbite, Stilbite
Gmelinite-Ca with Calcite (2)
Gmelinite-Ca, Stilbite-Ca, Goethite
Gmelinite-Na (2)
Gmelinite-Na with Analcime
Gmelinite-Na with Calcite
Gmelinite-Na with Natrolite (3)
Goedkenite and Palermoite
Goethite (98)
Goethite (stalactitic)
Goethite and Calcite
Goethite and Hematite
Goethite and Hematite on Calcite
Goethite and Manganite pseudomorphs after Calcite
Goethite Dripstone
Goethite in Quartz Geode
Goethite in Smoky Quartz
Goethite on Apophyllite with Celadonite inclusions
Goethite on Calcite
Goethite on Calcite, Quartz
Goethite on Kyanite
Goethite on pseudomorphs after Quartz
Goethite on Quartz (10)
Goethite on Smoky Quartz (3)
Goethite over Limonite
Goethite pseudomorph after Anglesite
Goethite pseudomorph after Gypsum
Goethite pseudomorph after Marcasite
Goethite pseudomorph after Pyrite (10)
Goethite pseudomorph after Selenite
Goethite pseudomorph after Siderite (2)
Goethite pseudomorph after Siderite pseudomorph after Barite
Goethite pseudomorphs after Gypsum (4)
Goethite pseudomorphs after Marcasite over Fluorite
Goethite pseudomorphs after Pyrite (12)
Goethite pseudomorphs after Pyrrhotite
Goethite pseudomorphs after Siderite (2)
Goethite pseudomorphs after Siderite on Microcline
Goethite pseudomorphs after Siderite with Smoky Quartz and Amazonite
Goethite pseudomorphs after Willemite with Calcite and Duftite
Goethite var. Kidney Ore
Goethite var. Needle Ore
Goethite var. Pribramite on Calcite
Goethite var. Turgite (2)
Goethite var. Xanthosiderite
Goethite with Calcite (2)
Goethite with Dolomite
Goethite with Lepidocrocite
Goethite with Malachite
Goethite with Marcasite
Goethite with Microcline
Goethite with minor Quartz
Goethite with Quartz
Goethite with Quartz var. Amethyst
Goethite with Smoky-Amethyst Quartz (2)
Goethite, Calcite, Pyrite
Goethite, Hematite and Smoky Quartz
Goethite, Pyrite, Calcite
Goethite, Quartz, Magnetite (2)
Goethite-Hematite (5)
Gold (252)
Gold (alluvial crystals)
Gold (crystallized leaf) (8)
Gold (crystallized nugget)
Gold (crystallized sheet formation)
Gold (crystallized) Weight: 10.4 grams
Gold (crystallized) Weight: 3.8 grams
Gold (crystallized) Weight: 5.8 grams
Gold (dendritic crystals)
Gold (fine wire crystals) (14)
Gold (flakes)
Gold (native gold) in Quartz (15)
Gold (native gold) nuggets
Gold (native gold) on Quartz
Gold (native gold) with Arsenopyrite in Quartz
Gold (naturally crystallized native gold) with minor Quartz (3)
Gold (naturally crystallized twinned native gold)
Gold (nugget) (3)
Gold (octahedral crystals) (2)
Gold (spherical formations caused by roasting the ore) on Quartz
Gold (Spinel Law-twinned) (8)
Gold (Spinel-law twinned crystals) (2)
Gold (Spinel-law twinned)
Gold (weight: 7.45 grains)
Gold (weight: 7.85 grains)
Gold (weight: 9.15 grains)
Gold (wire crystal)
Gold (wire crystals) (2)
Gold and Arsenopyrite in Quartz (2)
Gold and Barite
Gold and Pyrite in Quartz (2)
Gold and Quartz (2)
Gold and sulfo-tellurides
Gold bearing ore
Gold Crystal (2)
Gold crystals (2)
Gold crystals in micromount box (2)
Gold in Calcite
Gold in Calcite and Andradite-Grossular garnet
Gold in matrix (2)
Gold in Quartz (118)
Gold in Quartz (naturally crystallized native gold) (6)
Gold in Quartz with Acanthite
Gold in Quartz with Arsenopyrite
Gold in Quartz with Pyrite (2)
Gold in Quartz with Pyrite and Galena
Gold in Quartz with Sphalerite
Gold in rock
Gold nugget (3)
Gold nugget (plus California Gold Rush 1849 commemorative stamp)
Gold on Bornite and Pyrite
Gold on Calcite
Gold on Calcite with Uraninite
Gold on Hematite
Gold on matrix
Gold on Quartz (48)
Gold on Quartz (crystallized)
Gold on Quartz (Fake)
Gold on Quartz with Arsenopyrite
Gold on Sphalerite and Galena
Gold pseudomorphs after Calaverite
Gold rare triangular formation
Gold with Arsenopyrite
Gold with Arsenopyrite in Quartz
Gold with Quartz (3)
Gold with Tellurides (2)
Gold, Acanthite, Quartz
Gold-bearing Sand
Goldmanite and Andradite Garnet
Goosecreekite (17)
Goosecreekite and Heulandite on di-pyramidal Quartz
Goosecreekite and Heulandite on Quartz
Goosecreekite and Quartz
Goosecreekite on Quartz (2)
Goosecreekite over Stilbite and Quartz
Goosecreekite with Calcite
Goosecreekite, Stilbite, Quartz
Gordonite in Crandallite
Gormanite and Calcite (2)
Gormanite and Siderite
Gormanite on Siderite
Gormanite, Brazilianite, Siderite
Goyazite (3)
Goyazite on Limonite-stained Quartz
Goyazite on Quartz
Graftonite (5)
Graftonite and Heterosite (banded formation) (2)
Graftonite with Triphylite
Grandidierite (4)
Grandviewite (IMA 2007-004) (2)
Grandviewite (IMA 2007-004), Brochantite, Cyanotrichite, Azurite
Grandviewite (IMA 2007-004), Cyanotrichite, Chalcoalumite, Smithsonite (3)
Graphite (18)
Graphite and Stilpnomelane in Marble (Calcite) (2)
Graphite in Calcite
Graphite in Dolomite
Graphite in marble (2)
Graphite in Marble (Calcite) (3)
Graphite on Tremolite
Graphite var. Plumbago (2)
Graphite with amorphous Ca-Cu-As
Graphite with Magnetite
Graphite, Almandine in Hornblende
Graphite, Tremolite, Phlogopite (2)
Gratonite (6)
Green Elbaite Tourmaline
Greenockite (6)
Greenockite and Quartz
Greenockite and Sphalerite (2)
Greenockite on Calcite with Sphalerite
Greenockite on Calcite, Prehnite, Natrolite with quartz casts after Anhydrite
Greenockite on Dolomite with Galena (portion of drill core)
Greenockite on Galena
Greenockite on Prehnite
Greenockite on Prehnite and Calcite
Greenockite on Quartz-Muscovite (2)
Greenockite on Smithsonite
Greenockite on Sphalerite with Siderite and Quartz
Greenockite with Pyrite in marble
Greenockite, Graphite, Calcite, Dolomite
Greenockite, Sphalerite, Hemimorphite
Greenockite, Sphalerite, Smithsonite
Grossular (Cr-rich) with Diopside
Grossular Garnet (488)
Grossular Garnet (19 complex crystals)
Grossular Garnet (chrome-rich) (13)
Grossular Garnet (chrome-rich) and Diopside (2)
Grossular Garnet (chrome-rich) on Diopside (2)
Grossular Garnet (chrome-rich) with Chromite and Diopside
Grossular Garnet (chrome-rich) with Diopside and Clinochlore
Grossular Garnet (colorless) (2)
Grossular Garnet (fluorescent)
Grossular Garnet (gem-grade crystal)
Grossular Garnet (gem-grade) (3)
Grossular Garnet (nearly colorless)
Grossular Garnet (nodule)
Grossular Garnet (with green phantom-growth zones) (2)
Grossular Garnet and Albite
Grossular Garnet and Calcite
Grossular Garnet and Calcite (floater cluster crystallized on all sides)
Grossular Garnet and Clinochlore (2)
Grossular Garnet and Diopside (9)
Grossular Garnet Crystals
Grossular Garnet in Calcite (3)
Grossular Garnet in Calcite with Diopside
Grossular Garnet in Meionite with Diopside
Grossular Garnet in Quartz (12)
Grossular Garnet in wollastonite-quartz-calcite
Grossular Garnet on Albite
Grossular Garnet on Augite
Grossular Garnet on Diopside (14)
Grossular Garnet on Diopside-rich matrix
Grossular Garnet on Prehnite
Grossular Garnet on Quartz
Grossular Garnet on Vesuvianite (2)
Grossular Garnet on Vesuvianite with Diopside
Grossular Garnet over Calcite
Grossular Garnet var. Essonite
Grossular Garnet var. Essonite with Clinochlore
Grossular Garnet var. Hessonite (4)
Grossular Garnet var. Tsavorite (7)
Grossular Garnet with Apophyllite, Albite, Diopside, Pyrrhotite
Grossular Garnet with Calcite (3)
Grossular Garnet with Calcite and Diopside
Grossular Garnet with Clinochlore (15)
Grossular Garnet with Clinochlore and Diopside
Grossular Garnet with Clinochlore and Epidote
Grossular Garnet with di-pyramidal Quartz
Grossular Garnet with Diopside (38)
Grossular Garnet with Diopside and Calcite (3)
Grossular Garnet with Diopside and Clinochlore (2)
Grossular Garnet with Diopside and Clinozoisite (2)
Grossular Garnet with Diopside and Prehnite
Grossular Garnet with Diopside, Calcite, Vesuvianite
Grossular Garnet with Epidote
Grossular Garnet with Epidote and Calcite (2)
Grossular Garnet with inclusion
Grossular Garnet with Malachite
Grossular Garnet with minor Clinochlore
Grossular Garnet with minor Diopside (4)
Grossular Garnet with Muscovite (3)
Grossular Garnet with Pectolite
Grossular Garnet with Pyrite
Grossular Garnet with Quartz (2)
Grossular Garnet with Vesuvianite (6)
Grossular Garnet, Diopside, Calcite
Grossular Garnet, Diopside, Prehnite
Grossular Garnet, Epidote, Quartz
Grossular Garnet, Quartz, Calcite
Grossular Garnet, Vesuvianite, Clinochlore
Grossular Garnet, Vesuvianite, Diopside and Calcite
Grossular Garnet, Vesuvianite, Pyroxene, Calcite
Grossular Garnets
Grossular var. Chrome-Grossular
Grossular var. Chrome-rich Grossular Garnet (2)
Grossular var. Chrome-rich Grossular Garnets (2)
Grossular var. Essonite Garnet (4)
Grossular var. Hessonite Garnet with Clinochlore
Grossular var. Hibschite Garnet, Hematite, Clinozoisite, Quartz
Grossular var. Tsavorite Garnet (20)
Grossular var. Tsavorite Garnet (cutting rough)
Grossular var. Tsavorite Garnet (unusual linear compound crystals)
Grossular var. Tsavorite Garnet in matrix
Grossular var. Tsavorite Garnet in Quartz
Grossular-Andradite Garnet (3)
Grossular-Andradite Garnet with Epidote
Grossular-Spessartine Garnet
Groutite (4)
Groutite on Petrified Wood
Gruenerite in Magnetite
Guanacoite (2)
Guarinite (Hiortdahlite + Wöhlerite), Hornblende, Sanidine
Guimaraesite and Childrenite on Quartz
Gummite (Becquerelite-Fourmarierite pseudomorphs after Uraninite) with Uranophane
Gypsum (60)
Gypsum (Fishtail-twinned)
Gypsum (rare formation)
Gypsum (twinned crystals) (6)
Gypsum (with several twinned crystals)
Gypsum on Gypsum
Gypsum on Malachite-Chrysocolla pseudomorphs
Gypsum on Sphalerite, Pyrite, Quartz (2)
Gypsum over Atacamite
Gypsum over Atacamite and Quartz
Gypsum over Calcite
Gypsum over Devilline on Ankerite (3)
Gypsum pseudomorph after Anhydrite
Gypsum pseudomorphs after Glauberite (2)
Gypsum var. Arrowhead-twin
Gypsum var. Desert Rose (14)
Gypsum var. Fishtail Twin
Gypsum var. Fishtail Twins (2)
Gypsum var. Fishtail-Twin
Gypsum var. Lapis Specularis
Gypsum var. Lenticular Selenite
Gypsum var. Ram's Horn (2)
Gypsum var. Ram's Horn Gypsum
Gypsum var. Ram's Horn habit
Gypsum var. Ram's Horn Selenite
Gypsum var. Rams Horn
Gypsum var. Rams Horn Gypsum
Gypsum var. Satin Spar (8)
Gypsum var. Selenite (196)
Gypsum var. Selenite (collection of 4 loose crystals)
Gypsum var. Selenite (collection of 6 loose crystals)
Gypsum var. Selenite (curved crystal)
Gypsum var. Selenite (twinned crystals) (5)
Gypsum var. Selenite coated with Chrysocolla
Gypsum var. Selenite Fish-tail Twin (2)
Gypsum var. Selenite Fish-tail Twins (2)
Gypsum var. Selenite on Aragonite over Sulfur
Gypsum var. Selenite on Azurite
Gypsum var. Selenite on Calcite (2)
Gypsum var. Selenite on Quartz (2)
Gypsum var. Selenite on Sphalerite with Galena, Pyrite
Gypsum var. Selenite Rose
Gypsum var. Selenite twin
Gypsum var. Selenite Twinned Crystals
Gypsum var. Selenite Twins (2)
Gypsum var. Selenite with Atacamite inclusions
Gypsum var. Selenite with Calcite and Quartz
Gypsum var. Selenite with Cyanotrichite inclusions
Gypsum var. Selenite with Dolomite
Gypsum var. Selenite with Hematite inclusions (3 crystals)
Gypsum var. Selenite with hour-glass shaped zoning (4)
Gypsum var. Selenite with internal zoning
Gypsum var. Selenite with Smithsonite and Hydrozincite
Gypsum var. Selenite with Smithsonite and Hydrozincite overgrowth
Gypsum var. Selenite with Smithsonite, Hydrozincite (2)
Gypsum var. Selenite with Sulfur inclusions
Gypsum variety Selenite (3)
Gypsum with Boulangerite
Gypsum with Copper inclusions
Gypsum with Goethite and Azurite inclusions
Gypsum with Hematite inclusions
Gypsum with Malachite inclusions
Gypsum with sand and petroleum inclusions
Gypsum with sand inclusions (3)
Gypsum with sand inclusions (var. Sand Rose)
Gypsum, Amethyst Quartz with casts after Glauberite
Gypsum, Calcite, Pyrite, Quartz
Gypsum, Thaumasite, Amethyst Quartz
Gyrolite (8)
Gyrolite and Apophyllite on Prehnite pseudomorphs after Laumontite
Gyrolite and Calcite
Gyrolite and Chabazite on Quartz
Gyrolite and Okenite (2)
Gyrolite and Stilbite
Gyrolite on Calcite
Gyrolite on Prehnite (2)
Gyrolite on Quartz
Gyrolite on Quartz with Apophyllite
Gyrolite on Quartz with Calcite
Gyrolite on Quartz with Prehnite
Gyrolite over Calcite
Gyrolite over Laumontite with Okenite
Gyrolite var. Centrallasite
Gyrolite with Apophyllite
Gyrolite with Calcite
Gyrolite with minor Okenite
Gyrolite with Okenite
Gyrolite, Apophyllite, Stilbite-Ca, Quartz, Okenite
Gyrolite, Calcite, Apophyllite
Gyrolite, Mesolite on Quartz with Calcite
Gyrolite, Okenite, Quartz
Gyrolite, Prehnite, Apophyllite
Gyrolite, Prehnite, Okenite, Laumontite, Calcite, Quartz
Gyrolite, Prehnite, Quartz (2)
Gyrolite, Quartz, Calcite
Görgeyite (2)