John Betts-Fine Minerals Online Mineral Museum
Mineral Museum Image Index
There are two ways of viewing mineral images.
- View the 19 mineral thumbnail images with descriptions in the alphabetized list below:
- Click on first letter of mineral name under the Index of.. ..Minerals With Images. A listing of all minerals will appear. To view a large picture or
a mineral gallery for each mineral click on the mineral name. The photo count is in parenthesis.
Index of 980 "P" Minerals With Images [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P Minerals] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]
Pachnolite (3)
Pallasite Meteorite Polished Slice (partial) (2)
Papagoite (8)
Papagoite and Ajoite
Parabutlerite, Amarantite, Copiapite
Paracelsian (2)
Paracelsian with Celsian
Paracoquimbite and Rhomboclase, Romerite, Coquimbite, Voltaite
Paracoquimbite and Rhomboclase, Romerite, Coquimbite, Voltaite, Pyrite
Parallel Growth Smoky Quartz
Paramelaconite and Chrysocolla
Pararammelsbergite with Erythrite
Parasymplesite and Scorodite (2)
Paratacamite and Cassiterite
Paravauxite (16)
Paravauxite with Sigloite
Paravauxite, Vauxite, Metavauxite
Pargasite (9)
Pargasite in Calcite
Pargasite in Zoisite
Pargasite on amphibolite
Pargasite with Pyrite in white marble
Parisite on Aegirine
Parisite-(Ce) (16)
Parisite-(Ce) in Calcite
Parisite-(Ce) on Calcite with Quartz
Parisite-(Ce) with Aegirine
Parisite-(Ce) with Annabergite (3)
Parsettensite (2)
Parsettensite (formerly Unknown No. 2)
Parsettensite (formerly Unknown No. 2) over Quartz
Parsettensite, Bertrandite, Albite
Parwanite, Taranakite, Montmorillonite (2)
Pascoite (3)
Paulingite-Ca and Phillipsite-Ca
Pearl (freshwater) (3)
Pearl (natural - not cultured) (2)
Pearls (freshwater)
Pecoraite on Quartz
Pectolite (114)
Pectolite (pink) (6)
Pectolite (pink) with Apophyllite
Pectolite altering to Stevensite
Pectolite and Apophyllite
Pectolite and Calcite
Pectolite and Fluorite
Pectolite and Natrolite
Pectolite and Prehnite
Pectolite and Prehnite with Calcite
Pectolite and Stevensite pseudomorphs after Pectolite
Pectolite in Calcite
Pectolite on Calcite
Pectolite on Datolite (16)
Pectolite on Datolite with Apophyllite and Hematite
Pectolite on Datolite with Apophyllite and Pyrite
Pectolite on Datolite with Calcite
Pectolite on Datolite with Chamosite
Pectolite on Datolite with Hematite
Pectolite on Datolite with molds after bladed Anhydrite
Pectolite on Datolite with Pyrite
Pectolite on Datolite with Pyrite and Prehnite
Pectolite on Pectolite
Pectolite on Prehnite (2)
Pectolite on Quartz
Pectolite on Quartz with Calcite cast
Pectolite on Stilbite
Pectolite over Datolite (4)
Pectolite over Prehnite and Calcite
Pectolite over Prehnite and Quartz pseudomorphic molds after Anhydrite
Pectolite pseudomorphs after Quartz with Datolite
Pectolite var. Larimar (2)
Pectolite with Analcime (3)
Pectolite with Apophyllite (7)
Pectolite with Apophyllite and Goethite
Pectolite with Apophyllite and Goethite on Datolite
Pectolite with Apophyllite and Pyrite (5)
Pectolite with Apophyllite coating
Pectolite with Apophyllite on Datolite
Pectolite with Apophyllite on Datolite and Pyrite
Pectolite with Apophyllite overgrowth
Pectolite with Apophyllite, Goethite, Pyrite
Pectolite with Calcite (6)
Pectolite with Calcite and Chalcopyrite
Pectolite with Calcite and Prehnite (2)
Pectolite with Calcite casts
Pectolite with Calcite, Pyrite
Pectolite with Chamosite (2)
Pectolite with Chamosite and Calcite
Pectolite with Datolite (6)
Pectolite with Grossular Garnet
Pectolite with Heulandite
Pectolite with Heulandite and Pyrite
Pectolite with Laumontite (3)
Pectolite with minor Apophyllite and Pyrite
Pectolite with minor Pyrite (2)
Pectolite with minor Pyrite (complete cavity in two parts)
Pectolite with pink Stilbite
Pectolite with Prehnite (8)
Pectolite with Prehnite and Apophyllite
Pectolite with Prehnite and cavities after Anhydrite
Pectolite with Prehnite and Laumontite
Pectolite with pseudomorphic casts after Calcite
Pectolite with Pyrite (16)
Pectolite with Pyrite and Apophyllite on Datolite
Pectolite with Pyrite and Calcite
Pectolite with Pyrite and Goethite
Pectolite with Pyrite microcrystals
Pectolite with Stevensite
Pectolite, Apophyllite, Datolite (2)
Pectolite, Apophyllite, Natrolite
Pectolite, Apophyllite, Pyrite (2)
Pectolite, Apophyllite, Thaumasite
Pectolite, Datolite, Apophyllite
Pectolite, Datolite, Chamosite
Pectolite, Datolite, Prehnite (2)
Pectolite, Heulandite
Pectolite, Heulandite, Apophyllite, Quartz
Pectolite, Heulandite, Laumontite
Pectolite, Natrolite, Apophyllite (2)
Pectolite, Prehnite, Chalcopyrite
Pectolite, Prehnite, Datolite (2)
Pectolite, Quartz, Apophyllite
Pectolite, Quartz, Hematite (2)
Pectolite-Stevensite with Prehnite (4)
Penfieldite (30)
Penfieldite Pb2Cl3(OH) with Boleite
Penfieldite with Boleite (5)
Penfieldite, Boleite, Cerussite
Penkvilksite and Zorite
Pentagonite on Stilbite (2)
Pentagonite on Stilbite coated with Mordenite (2)
Pentagonite over Calcite
Pentagonite with Calcite (3)
Pentagonite with Heulandite
Pentlandite and Pyrrhotite (3)
Pentlandite in Pyrrhotite
Pentlandite, Chalcopyrite, Pyrrhotite (4)
Perhamite and Fluorapatite coating Quartz
Periclase var. Bytownite (3)
Periclase with Brucite alteration rims (8)
Peridot (gem variety of Forsterite) 4 pieces gem rough
Peridot crystal (gem variety of Forsterite) (2)
Peridot crystal (gem variety of Forsterite) with Ludwigite inclusions
Peridot Crystal (gem variety of the mineral Forsterite)
Perovskite (7)
Perovskite and Andradite var. Melanite Garnet with Clinochlore (2)
Perovskite on Magnetite
Perovskite var. Dysanalite
Perovskite var. Dysanalyte (5)
Perovskite var. Dysanalyte on Magnetite
Perovskite var. Knopite
Perraultite and Leifite
Petalite (15)
Petalite with Lepidolite (2)
Petarasite and Zircon on Albite with Aegirine
Petarasite on Albite with Aegirine
Petedunnite in Garnet
Petrified Cypress Wood (Silicified Wood)
Petrified Dinosaur Bone
Petrified Palmwood
Petrified Wood (2)
Petrified Wood (colored green by chromium salts)
Petrified Wood (silicified oak wood replacement)
Petrified Wood with Quartz
Pezzottaite (29)
Pharmacolite on Calcite
Pharmacolite with Haidingerite
Pharmacosiderite (3)
Pharmacosiderite and Arthurite
Pharmacosiderite and Goethite
Phenakite (44)
Phenakite (drill-bit twin)
Phenakite (flawless)
Phenakite (twinned crystal)
Phenakite and Muscovite (7)
Phenakite and Quartz
Phenakite on Microcline (3)
Phenakite on Muscovite
Phenakite on Quartz (5)
Phenakite on Smoky Quartz (3)
Phenakite on Uvite Tourmaline
Phenakite twinned crystals
Phenakite var. Drill-bit Twinned Crystal (3)
Phenakite with Muscovite (14)
Phenakite with Muscovite and Albite
Phenakite, Fluorite, Muscovite
Philippinite (tektite -natural glass from meteorite impact) (2)
Philipsburgite (9)
Philipsburgite and Veszelyite on Quartz (4)
Philipsburgite on Quartz
Phillipsite (9)
Phillipsite (Marburg Twin)
Phillipsite on Fluorite
Phillipsite pseudomorphs after Serandite
Phillipsite with Mesolite
Phillipsite with Saponite
Phillipsite with Saponite and Calcite
Phillipsite-Na on Mesolite
Phlogopite (21)
Phlogopite and Microcline (2)
Phlogopite in Anthophyllite (Hermanov Sphere)
Phlogopite in Calcite (2)
Phlogopite in marble
Phlogopite mica (5)
Phlogopite pseudomorph after Hornblende (2)
Phlogopite var. Eastonite
Phlogopite with Fluorapatite
Phlogopite-Annite var. Lepidomelane
Phosgenite (5)
Phosgenite in Galena
Phosgenite on Galena (3)
Phosphohedyphane (3)
Phosphohedyphane and Chrysocolla (6)
Phosphohedyphane and Chrysocolla over Cerussite
Phosphohedyphane and Mottramite
Phosphohedyphane and Plumboapatite
Phosphohedyphane and Pyromorphite
Phosphohedyphane with Mottramite
Phosphohedyphane with Mottramite and Apatite
Phosphohedyphane with Vanadinite (6)
Phosphohedyphane, Chrysocolla, Mottramite
Phosphohedyphane, Chrysocolla, Mottramite, Pyromorphite over Quartz
Phosphohedyphane, Mottramite, Mimetite
Phosphophyllite (8)
Phosphophyllite (twinned crystals)
Phosphorite (Fluorapatite or Apatite-(CaOH)) with Pyrite
Phosphosiderite, Strengite, Barbosalite
Phurcalite (3)
Piemontite (6)
Piemontite-(Pb-La) and Tilasite
Pierrotite in Opal
Pinakiolite (4)
Pinakiolite in Calcite-Hausmannite matrix
Pink Coral
Plagionite and Zinkenite
Plancheite (6)
Plancheite and Calcite on Quartz
Plancheite with Dioptase
Planerite over stalactitic Goethite
Platinum (8)
Platinum (cubic crystals)
Platinum (native)
Platinum (ore)
Platinum (waterworn crystallized nugget)
Platinum nugget (4)
Platinum with Chromite
Plattnerite on Calcite
Plattnerite on Hemimorphite with Calcite
Plattnerite on Quartz
Plattnerite with Calcite (2)
Plattnerite, Hemimorphite, Aurichalcite
Plombierite with Vesuvianite on Calcite
Plumboapatite on Phosphohedyphane with Chrysocolla (2)
Plumboapatite, Phosphohedyphane, Chrysocolla
Plumboferrite and Jacobsite
Plumboferrite with Magnesioferrite
Plumbogummite (2)
Plumbogummite pseudomorphs after Pyromorphite (4)
Plumbogummite with Mimetite
Plumbophyllite (2)
Pokrovskite and Coalingite over Quartz
Pollucite (13)
Pollucite on Albite, Lepidolite, Elbaite
Pollucite with Montmorillonite
Polybasite (11)
Polybasite and Stephanite
Polybasite with Acanthite over Chalcopyrite
Polybasite with Chalcopyrite
Polybasite with Pyrite
Polybasite, Acanthite, Calcite, Chalcopyrite
Polybasite, Acanthite, Chalcopyrite
Polybasite, Chalcopyrite over Acanthite
Polybasite-Pearceite with Calcite
Polybasite-Pearceite with pseudomorph after Galena
Polydymite in Calcite
Polylithionite (2)
Polylithionite and Serandite
Polylithionite on Serandite
Polylithionite var. Zinnwaldite
Polylithionite with Aegirine (3)
Polysphaerite (= Ca-rich Pyromorphite or Phosphohedyphane)
Porpezite (Palladium-rich Gold)
Posnjakite (2)
Potosiite, Franckeite, Jamesonite
Povondraite and Magnesite
Powellite (13)
Powellite and Brochantite
Powellite in Stilbite-Ca
Powellite on Scolecite
Powellite on Stilbite (2)
Powellite pseudomorphs after Molybdenite with Molybdenite on Vesuvianite
Powellite with Goethite (2)
Powellite with Stilbite
Powellite, Actinolite, Calcite
Powellite, Brochantite, Cuprite, Quartz
Prehnite (310)
Prehnite (crystals)
Prehnite (floater formation) with minor Calcite
Prehnite (green and rare yellow color)
Prehnite (polished oval cabochon)
Prehnite (rare crystals!)
Prehnite (rare yellow color)
Prehnite (stalactitic habit)
Prehnite (unusual distinct crystals)
Prehnite (white)
Prehnite - four spherical prehnite formations
Prehnite and Albite (4)
Prehnite and Apophyllite (5)
Prehnite and Apophyllite on Calcite
Prehnite and Babingtonite
Prehnite and Babingtonite in Calcite
Prehnite and Calcite (13)
Prehnite and Calcite nodule
Prehnite and Calcite with Goethite inclusions
Prehnite and Copper on Calcite
Prehnite and Datolite (2)
Prehnite and Datolite with casts after Anhydrite
Prehnite and Epidote (11)
Prehnite and Pectolite
Prehnite and Quartz
Prehnite and Stilbite (two matched hemispherical specimens) (2)
Prehnite cast after Anhydrite
Prehnite epimorph after Anhydrite (4)
Prehnite epimorph after Anhydrite with Aragonite
Prehnite epimorph after Anhydrite with Calcite, Phillipsite
Prehnite epimorph after Glauberite
Prehnite epimorphs after Anhydrite
Prehnite epimorphs of Anhydrite
Prehnite epimorphs over unknown with Calcite
Prehnite in Calcite
Prehnite in Pectolite
Prehnite on Albite (5)
Prehnite on Babingtonite
Prehnite on Calcite (9)
Prehnite on Calcite with Babingtonite-Chlorite
Prehnite on Calcite with Laumontite
Prehnite on Datolite (6)
Prehnite on Datolite with minor Natrolite
Prehnite on Datolite with pseudomorphic molds after Calcite
Prehnite on Datolite with Pyrite
Prehnite on Epidote
Prehnite on Graphite
Prehnite on Orthoclase var. Adularia
Prehnite on Pectolite (3)
Prehnite on Pectolite with casts after Calcite
Prehnite on Pyrite on Prehnite
Prehnite on Quartz (8)
Prehnite on Quartz and Calcite
Prehnite on Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite
Prehnite on Smoky Quartz
Prehnite on Tanzanite Crystal (blue gem variety of the mineral Zoisite) with Pyrite
Prehnite on Thomsonite pseudomorphs after Laumontite
Prehnite over Amethyst Quartz (2)
Prehnite over Calcite (3)
Prehnite over Epidote (2)
Prehnite over Pectolite
Prehnite over Quartz (6)
Prehnite over Thaumasite with Apophyllite and Actinolite var. Byssolite
Prehnite pseudomorph after Anhydrite (19)
Prehnite pseudomorph after Anhydrite (epimorph)
Prehnite pseudomorph after Anhydrite with Babingtonite and Laumontite
Prehnite pseudomorph after Anhydrite with Babingtonite, Actinolite and Laumontite
Prehnite pseudomorph after Anhydrite with Calcite
Prehnite pseudomorph after Anhydrite with Calcite (rare)
Prehnite pseudomorph after Anhydrite with Calcite and Babingtonite
Prehnite pseudomorph after Anhydrite with Datolite
Prehnite pseudomorph after Anhydrite with minor Calcite
Prehnite pseudomorph after Anhydrite with Natrolite
Prehnite pseudomorph after Anhydrite with Natrolite-Laumontite
Prehnite pseudomorph after Glauberite (3)
Prehnite pseudomorph after Laumontite (6)
Prehnite pseudomorph after Laumontite with Apophyllite (5)
Prehnite pseudomorph after Laumontite with Apophyllite and Gyrolite
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite (43)
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite crystals with Babingtonite
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite plus Babingtonite with Actinolite alteration
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Babingtonite, Actinolite and Laumontite
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Calcite (5)
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Calcite overgrowth
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Chamosite and Laumontite
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Chlorite and Laumontite (4)
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Datolite
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Gmelinite and Natrolite
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Laumontite (22)
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Laumontite and Chamosite
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with minor Calcite (2)
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Pectolite
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Stilpnomelane and Laumontite
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Glauberite (15)
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Glauberite (snake-head) with Laumontite
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Glauberite with Calcite (2)
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Glauberite with Calcite overgrowths
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Laumontite (13)
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Laumontite with Apophyllite (9)
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Laumontite with Gyrolite and Apophyllite
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Laumontite with minor Heulandite
Prehnite pseudomorphs after Pectolite
Prehnite pseudomorphs over Glauberite
Prehnite pseudomorphs with Quartz
Prehnite var. Heart
Prehnite with Actinolite pseudomorph after Glauberite
Prehnite with Actinolite var. Byssolite and Laumontite
Prehnite with Albite (5)
Prehnite with Albite and Chlorite
Prehnite with Anhydrite casts (2)
Prehnite with Apophyllite (8)
Prehnite with Apophyllite and Calcite (3)
Prehnite with Apophyllite and Goethite (2)
Prehnite with Apophyllite and Goethite overgrowth
Prehnite with Apophyllite in Calcite
Prehnite with Aragonite
Prehnite with Babingtonite and Quartz
Prehnite with Byssolite
Prehnite with Calcite (40)
Prehnite with Calcite and Chamosite (2)
Prehnite with Calcite and Chlorite
Prehnite with Calcite and Goethite (2)
Prehnite with Calcite and Quartz
Prehnite with Calcite overgrowth
Prehnite with casts after Calcite
Prehnite with Chlorite
Prehnite with Copper crystals (2)
Prehnite with Datolite and Laumontite
Prehnite with Epidote (7)
Prehnite with Epidote and Quartz
Prehnite with Epidote inclusions (3)
Prehnite with Galena
Prehnite with Goethite (7)
Prehnite with Goethite and Apophyllite
Prehnite with Grossular Garnet
Prehnite with Hydroxyapophyllite-(K) (formerly apophyllite-(KOH)) and Actinolite var. Byssolite
Prehnite with Laumontite (3)
Prehnite with Laumontite and Chlorite
Prehnite with Laumontite and Datolite casts after Anhydrite
Prehnite with minor Apophyllite (2)
Prehnite with minor Calcite (5)
Prehnite with minor Epidote
Prehnite with minor Goethite
Prehnite with minor Laumontite
Prehnite with minor Thaumasite
Prehnite with Native Copper
Prehnite with Natrolite and Apophyllite
Prehnite with Opal var. Hyalite
Prehnite with pearl-like luster
Prehnite with Pectolite
Prehnite with pseudomorphic casts after Anhydrite
Prehnite with pseudomorphic cavities after Anhydrite
Prehnite with pseudomorphic cavities after bladed Anhydrite crystals
Prehnite with pseudomorphic molds after Anhydrite
Prehnite with pseudomorphic molds after Anhydrite on Calcite
Prehnite with pseudomorphic molds after Calcite-Anhydrite
Prehnite with pseudomorphic molds after Laumontite (2)
Prehnite with pseudomorphs after Anhydrite (3)
Prehnite with Pumpellyite
Prehnite with Pumpellyite(?) (2)
Prehnite with Pyrite (2)
Prehnite with Pyrite and Galena
Prehnite with Pyrrhotite
Prehnite with Quartz (3)
Prehnite with Quartz and Apophyllite
Prehnite with Quartz pseudomorphs after Glauberite (2)
Prehnite with Sphalerite and Pectolite pseudomorphs after Analcime
Prehnite with Sphalerite, Calcite and Apophyllite
Prehnite with Stilbite
Prehnite with Stilbite and Datolite
Prehnite with Tobermorite
Prehnite with Tremolite-Actinolite var. Byssolite (2)
Prehnite, Analcime, Apophyllite, Calcite, Quartz
Prehnite, Apophyllite, Calcite, Chlorite
Prehnite, Babingtonite, Calcite
Prehnite, Calcite, Apophyllite
Prehnite, Calcite, Apophyllite, Datolite
Prehnite, Calcite, Chamosite
Prehnite, Calcite, Datolite
Prehnite, Calcite, Pectolite
Prehnite, Calcite, Pyrite, Julgoldite-Pumpellyite
Prehnite, Calcite, Quartz (2)
Prehnite, Calcite, Quartz, Heulandite
Prehnite, Calcite, Stilpnomelane
Prehnite, Datolite, Calcite
Prehnite, Datolite, Calcite, Petroleum (naturally occurring Hydrocarbons)
Prehnite, Datolite, Laumontite, Chlorite
Prehnite, Datolite, Pectolite
Prehnite, Epidote, Calcite
Prehnite, Gyrolite, Calcite
Prehnite, Laumontite, Calcite
Prehnite, Laumontite, Datolite, Calcite, Pyrite
Prehnite, Laumontite, Quartz
Prehnite, Pectolite, Datolite
Prehnite, Pectolite, Laumontite
Prehnite, Pyrite, Calcite Julgoldite-Pumpellyite
Prehnite, Quartz Chamosite
Prehnite, Quartz, Apophyllite, Calcite
Prehnite, Quartz, Babingtonite
Prehnite, Quartz, Calcite (2)
Prehnite, Quartz, Epidote (2)
Prehnite, Quartz, Goethite
Prehnite, Scolecite, Chabazite on Epidote
Prehnite, Stilbite, Laumontite
Prehnite, Titanite, Actinolite, Fluorapatite, Albite
Preobrazhenskite (4)
Probertite (2)
Proustite (22)
Proustite and Acanthite
Proustite and Barite on Pyrargyrite
Proustite and Calcite
Proustite and Quartz
Proustite on Arsenic (2)
Proustite on Calcite
Proustite on Native Arsenic
Proustite on Quartz
Proustite on Xanthoconite
Proustite var. Ruby Silver (2)
Proustite with Calcite
Pseudoboleite and Boleite
Pseudoboleite on Boleite (2)
Pseudobrookite (5)
Pseudobrookite and Topaz
Pseudobrookite and Topaz on rhyolite
Pseudobrookite, Hematite, Quartz on rhyolite
Pseudomalachite (23)
Pseudomalachite and Chrysocolla (3)
Pseudomalachite and Psilomelane (4)
Pseudomalachite over Chrysocolla
Pseudomalachite var. Lunnite with Calcite
Pseudomalachite with Pyromorphite
Pseudorutile var. Iserite
Psilomelane (7)
Psilomelane (Coronadite-Hollandite) with minor Vanadinite
Psilomelane (Pyrolusite, Romanèchite, Cryptomelane) (18)
Psilomelane (romanèchite+hollandite+cryptomelane) (7)
Psilomelane and drusy Quartz
Psilomelane pseudomorph after Pyrolusite
Psilomelane with Quartz
Pucherite (2)
Pucherite and Schumacherite
Pumpellyite (3)
Pumpellyite and Prehnite
Pumpellyite on Prehnite
Pumpellyite pseudomorphs after Analcime with Calcite
Pumpellyite pseudomorphs after Analcime with Prehnite and Calcite
Pumpellyite-(Mg) (2)
Pumpellyite-(Mg) and Albite on Quartz
Pumpellyite-(Mg) pseudomorphs after Analcime
Pumpellyite-(Mg) var. Chlorastrolite
Pumpellyite-(Mg) with Native Copper on Prehnite
Pumpellyite-[Fe] (2)
Purpurite (22)
Purpurite pseudomorph after Triphylite
Purpurite with Alluaudite and Muscovite
Pyrargyrite (26)
Pyrargyrite (two specimens exhibiting different crystal habits)
Pyrargyrite (unusually large crystal)
Pyrargyrite and Calcite (2)
Pyrargyrite and Quartz
Pyrargyrite on Calcite (4)
Pyrargyrite on Quartz (2)
Pyrargyrite on Quartz and Calcite
Pyrargyrite var. Ruby Silver (18)
Pyrargyrite var. Ruby Silver with Calcite
Pyrargyrite var. Ruby Silver with Pyrite
Pyrargyrite with Calcite
Pyrargyrite with Quartz
Pyrargyrite, Proustite, Calcite
Pyrargyrite, Quartz and Calcite
Pyrargyrite-Proustite var. Ruby Silver on Quartz
Pyrite (567)
Pyrite (bar-shaped crystals)
Pyrite (Black Smoker Formation) (3)
Pyrite (complex crystal form) (5)
Pyrite (complex crystal with minor clay matrix)
Pyrite (complex teardrop-shaped crystal)
Pyrite (diploid crystal form)
Pyrite (distorted crystals) with Goethite coating
Pyrite (exhibiting post-crystallization deformation)
Pyrite (filiform crystals) on Calcite
Pyrite (fossilized brachiopod)
Pyrite (interpenetrant crystals)
Pyrite (interpenetrant twinned crystals)
Pyrite (iridescent)
Pyrite (Iron Cross-Twin)
Pyrite (Pyrite Sun Formation) (11)
Pyrite (rare diploid crystals) (2)
Pyrite (rare diploid form)
Pyrite (rare diploid form) with Quartz (3)
Pyrite (rare filiform crystals) on Heulandite
Pyrite (rare filiform crystals) with Harmotome
Pyrite (spherical cluster) (2)
Pyrite (spherical formations)
Pyrite (spherical nodule)
Pyrite (stalactitic formations) with Calcite
Pyrite (twinned crystals)
Pyrite (two interpenetrant cubic crystals) (2)
Pyrite (with rare diploid faces)
Pyrite (with trisoctahedral faces)
Pyrite (with unusual etched surfaces) (2)
Pyrite (with unusual textured crystal faces)
Pyrite - fossilized Eutrephoceras Campbelli nautiloid (2)
Pyrite - fossilized Mucrospirifer Mucronatus brachiopod (Devonian)
Pyrite - rare diploid crystal form
Pyrite and Apophyllite
Pyrite and Apophyllite on Datolite
Pyrite and Apophyllite on Prehnite (2)
Pyrite and Apophyllite over Datolite (2)
Pyrite and Barite (3)
Pyrite and Barite over Fluorite
Pyrite and Calcite (5)
Pyrite and Calcite on Datolite
Pyrite and Calcite on Quartz
Pyrite and Calcite on Smoky Quartz
Pyrite and Calcite over Fluorite
Pyrite and Chalcopyrite
Pyrite and Dolomite (2)
Pyrite and Dolomite over Fluorite
Pyrite and Enargite (3)
Pyrite and Galena (2)
Pyrite and Galena on Quartz with Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite
Pyrite and Galena pseudomorph after Anhydrite
Pyrite and Graphite in marble
Pyrite and Hematite (2)
Pyrite and Magnetite
Pyrite and Magnetite in Calcite with Actinolite inclusions
Pyrite and Magnetite in Calcite with Actinolite var. Byssolite
Pyrite and Quartz (22)
Pyrite and Quartz on Calcite (2)
Pyrite and Quartz over Sphalerite
Pyrite and Quartz with Chalcopyrite
Pyrite and Siderite (2)
Pyrite and Siderite on Galena
Pyrite and Specular Hematite (2)
Pyrite and Sphalerite (5)
Pyrite and Sphalerite on Quartz
Pyrite and Stilbite
Pyrite and Stilbite-Ca in Calcite-filled vein
Pyrite and Tetrahedrite (2)
Pyrite coated with Bitumen intermixed with Quartz and Dolomite
Pyrite Crystals
Pyrite in Actinolite (4)
Pyrite in Calcite (10)
Pyrite in Calcite with Actinolite var. Byssolite inclusions
Pyrite in Calcite with Byssolite
Pyrite in Calcite with Byssolite inclusions
Pyrite in Calcite with Talc
Pyrite in Chalcopyrite
Pyrite in Chlorite schist (2)
Pyrite in Dickite-Quartz
Pyrite in Dolomite (3)
Pyrite in marble (2)
Pyrite in Matrix (12)
Pyrite in phyllite (2)
Pyrite in Prochlorite matrix
Pyrite in Quartz (2)
Pyrite in schist
Pyrite in Shale
Pyrite in Siderite (5)
Pyrite in Siderite and Dolomite
Pyrite in slate (2)
Pyrite in specular Hematite (5)
Pyrite in Talc
Pyrite nodule (7)
Pyrite on Actinolite var. Byssolite
Pyrite on Apophyllite included with Chlorite (3)
Pyrite on Apophyllite with Chlorite inclusions (2)
Pyrite on Barite (2)
Pyrite on Calcite (25)
Pyrite on Calcite and Datolite
Pyrite on Calcite over Amethyst Quartz
Pyrite on Calcite with Goethite
Pyrite on Calcite with Stilbite-Ca
Pyrite on Chalcopyrite (2)
Pyrite on Chalcopyrite over Sphalerite with Galena
Pyrite on Chalcopyrite over Sphalerite with Quartz (2)
Pyrite on Chalcopyrite with Sphalerite
Pyrite on Datolite (14)
Pyrite on Datolite pseudomorph after Anhydrite
Pyrite on Datolite with Calcite
Pyrite on Dolomite (4)
Pyrite on Enargite
Pyrite on Fluorite (6)
Pyrite on Galena
Pyrite on Galena with Dolomite
Pyrite on Hematite (2)
Pyrite on Limestone
Pyrite on Magnetite
Pyrite on Magnetite with Actinolite var. Byssolite (2)
Pyrite on marble matrix
Pyrite on Marcasite (2)
Pyrite on matrix
Pyrite on Pectolite (2)
Pyrite on Pectolite with pseudomorphic molds after Calcite
Pyrite on Prehnite
Pyrite on Quartz (19)
Pyrite on Quartz with Hedenbergite inclusions
Pyrite on Siderite
Pyrite on Siderite-Dolomite
Pyrite on Smoky Quartz
Pyrite on Sphalerite
Pyrite on Sphalerite and Galena
Pyrite on Sphalerite with Calcite
Pyrite on Sphalerite with Quartz
Pyrite on Stilbite (6)
Pyrite on Tetrahedrite
Pyrite over Fluorite
Pyrite over Galena
Pyrite over Magnetite
Pyrite over Sphalerite with Calcite
Pyrite pseudomorph after Ammonite (Pyritized Ammonite) (2)
Pyrite pseudomorph after Ammonite (Pyritized Rhondiceras Ammonite)
Pyrite pseudomorph after Calcite
Pyrite pseudomorph after Enargite
Pyrite pseudomorph after Marcasite (3)
Pyrite pseudomorph after Polecypod (2)
Pyrite pseudomorph after Pyrrhotite
Pyrite pseudomorph after Pyrrhotite with Apatite
Pyrite pseudomorph after Pyrrhotite with Calcite
Pyrite pseudomorph after Pyrrhotite with Fluorite and Galena
Pyrite pseudomorphous after Pyrrhotite (var. Feder Pyrit) (5)
Pyrite pseudomorphs after Calcite
Pyrite pseudomorphs after Calcite over Quartz
Pyrite pseudomorphs after Marcasite (3)
Pyrite pseudomorphs after Marcasite on Sphalerite
Pyrite pseudomorphs after Pyrrhotite (5)
Pyrite pseudomorphs after Pyrrhotite on Quartz with Sphalerite
Pyrite pseudomorphs after Pyrrhotite on Sphalerite with Siderite
Pyrite pseudomorphs after Pyrrhotite with Arsenopyrite
Pyrite pseudomorphs after Pyrrhotite with Quartz
Pyrite Stalactite (2)
Pyrite stalactitic nodule
Pyrite var. Bravoite (4)
Pyrite var. Iron-Cross Twin
Pyrite var. Iron-Cross Twins (2)
Pyrite var. Pyrite Sun (4)
Pyrite var. Rainbow Pyrite
Pyrite with Arsenopyrite (2)
Pyrite with Calcite (6)
Pyrite with Calcite and Magnetite
Pyrite with Calcite and Rhodochrosite
Pyrite with Chalcocite (2)
Pyrite with Chalcocite coating (72)
Pyrite with Chalcocite coating and Quartz (2)
Pyrite with Chalcocite coating plus Quartz
Pyrite with Chalcocite coating, var. Ducktownite (2)
Pyrite with Chalcocite overgrowth
Pyrite with Chalcocite surface coating.
Pyrite with Chalcopyrite
Pyrite with Covellite (2)
Pyrite with diploid faces
Pyrite with Enargite
Pyrite with Epidote (17)
Pyrite with epitaxial Galena
Pyrite with Galena (4)
Pyrite with Galena, Chalcopyrite, Quartz
Pyrite with Goethite surface alteration
Pyrite with Gypsum
Pyrite with Hematite (6)
Pyrite with Marcasite
Pyrite with Milky Quartz
Pyrite with minor Calcite (6)
Pyrite with minor Magnetite
Pyrite with minor Quartz (2)
Pyrite with minor Sphalerite (2)
Pyrite with partial Chalcocite coating
Pyrite with partial Chalcocite coating on Hematite-coated Quartz
Pyrite with partial coating of Chalcocite (3)
Pyrite with Pectolite and Datolite
Pyrite with Phlogopite
Pyrite with Quartz (19)
Pyrite with Quartz and Chalcopyrite
Pyrite with Siderite (2)
Pyrite with Siderite on Barite
Pyrite with Sphalerite (10)
Pyrite with Sphalerite var. Marmatite
Pyrite with Talc (12)
Pyrite with Talc and Magnetite
Pyrite, Actinolite, Diopside
Pyrite, Albite, Quartz, Actinolite (2)
Pyrite, Albite, Quartz, Hematite, Sphalerite
Pyrite, ball formation
Pyrite, Calcite and Datolite on Quartz with unusual inclusions (2)
Pyrite, Calcite, Dolomite
Pyrite, Calcite, Goethite on Smoky Quartz
Pyrite, Calcite, Magnetite, Stilbite
Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite, Galena, Quartz
Pyrite, Dolomite, Pyrrhotite
Pyrite, Enargite, Chalcocite
Pyrite, Enargite, Orpiment
Pyrite, Fluorite, Calcite
Pyrite, Galena and Quartz
Pyrite, Galena, Quartz, Sphalerite
Pyrite, Galena, Sphalerite
Pyrite, Goethite and Natrolite on Datolite
Pyrite, Heulandite, Calcite (2)
Pyrite, Hornblende, Actinolite
Pyrite, Magnetite, Chalcopyrite, Actinolite var. Byssolite
Pyrite, Magnetite, Chalcopyrite, Actinolite, Calcite
Pyrite, Manganapatite and Pectolite
Pyrite, Orpiment, Sphalerite (2)
Pyrite, Quartz, Barite
Pyrite, Quartz, Calcite (2)
Pyrite, Quartz, Hematite
Pyrite, Quartz, Sphalerite (3)
Pyrite, Quartz, Sphalerite, Galena
Pyrite, Siderite, Quartz
Pyrite, Smoky Quartz, Calcite
Pyrite, Sphalerite, Calcite (2)
Pyrite, Sphalerite, Calcite, Quartz
Pyrite, Sphalerite, Galena, Quartz
Pyrite, Sphalerite, Quartz (3)
Pyrite, Sphalerite, Quartz, Bournonite
Pyrite, Sphalerite, Siderite, Calcite
Pyrite, Tennantite, Quartz
Pyrite, Tetrahedrite, Quartz (4)
Pyrite-Marcasite (mushroom-shaped concretion)
Pyrite-Marcasite in Calcite
Pyrite-Marcasite nodule (3)
Pyritized Ammonite (2)
Pyritized Ammonite Fossil (2)
Pyritized Ammonites
Pyritized Clam Fossil
Pyritized Fossil Neospirifer
Pyroaurite (2)
Pyroaurite on Serpentine (6)
Pyrochlore (2)
Pyrolusite (23)
Pyrolusite and Quartz (2)
Pyrolusite in Quartz geode
Pyrolusite on Collophane (Fluorapatite)
Pyrolusite on Lepidocrocite
Pyrolusite on Quartz (3)
Pyrolusite pseudomorph after Manganite (3)
Pyrolusite pseudomorphs after Manganite
Pyrolusite pseudomorphs after Manganite (var. Polianite)
Pyrolusite pseudomorphs after Manganite with Psilomelane
Pyrolusite var. Needle Ore
Pyrolusite var. Polianite
Pyrolusite with Calcite (2)
Pyrolusite with Quartz
Pyromorphite (463)
Pyromorphite (arsenian) (2)
Pyromorphite (arsenic-rich)
Pyromorphite (As-rich)
Pyromorphite (micromount)
Pyromorphite (orange) with Cerussite and Mimetite(?)
Pyromorphite and Anglesite
Pyromorphite and Cerussite on Quartz
Pyromorphite and Coronadite on Quartz (2)
Pyromorphite and Crocoite
Pyromorphite and Galena
Pyromorphite and Quartz (2)
Pyromorphite and Quartz on Quartz
Pyromorphite and Vauquelinite on Quartz
Pyromorphite and Wulfenite
Pyromorphite and Wulfenite on Pyrophyllite (11)
Pyromorphite and Wulfenite over Quartz
Pyromorphite on Barite (19)
Pyromorphite on Calcite
Pyromorphite on Cerussite-Anglesite
Pyromorphite on Coronadite (2)
Pyromorphite on Coronadite and Quartz
Pyromorphite on Galena (2)
Pyromorphite on Malachite
Pyromorphite on Quartz (69)
Pyromorphite on Quartz pseudomorphic molds after Barite
Pyromorphite on Quartz pseudomorphs after Barite
Pyromorphite on Quartz with Chalcopyrite
Pyromorphite on Quartz with pseudomorphic molds after hoppered Galena
Pyromorphite on Quartz with Wulfenite (2)
Pyromorphite over Calcite
Pyromorphite over Galena with Quartz
Pyromorphite over Malachite (2)
Pyromorphite over Quartz (6)
Pyromorphite var. Arsenian
Pyromorphite with Calcite
Pyromorphite with Cerussite (4)
Pyromorphite with Galena on Quartz
Pyromorphite with Limonite
Pyromorphite with minor Cerussite
Pyromorphite with Native Copper
Pyromorphite with Plumbogummite
Pyromorphite with Plumbogummite overgrowth
Pyromorphite with pseudomorphic casts after Calcite on Cerussite
Pyromorphite with Pyromorphite-Mimetite overgrowth
Pyromorphite with Pyrophyllite
Pyromorphite with Quartz
Pyromorphite with Wulfenite (4)
Pyromorphite with Wulfenite on Quartz
Pyromorphite, Cerussite, Malachite
Pyromorphite, Galena
Pyromorphite, Mottramite, Vanadinite
Pyromorphite, Mottramite, Vanadinite, Vauquelinite
Pyromorphite, Mottramite, Vauquelinite (6)
Pyromorphite, Mottramite, Vauquelinite, Wulfenite
Pyromorphite, Wulfenite, Quartz, Galena
Pyrope Garnet (2)
Pyrope Garnet with Muscovite
Pyrope Garnets (4)
Pyrope var. Rhodolite Garnet (5)
Pyrope var. Rhodolite Garnet (30.6 grams of facet-grade rough)
Pyrope var. Rhodolite Garnet (facet rough) (2)
Pyrope var. Umbalite Garnet (gem-grade)
Pyrope-Spessartine (color change garnet)
Pyrophyllite (15)
Pyrophyllite with Lazulite
Pyrophyllite-2M (5)
Pyroxene (3)
Pyroxene (Diopside) (2)
Pyroxene (Hedenbergite?)
Pyroxene (twinned crystals)
Pyroxmangite (2)
Pyrrhotite (20)
Pyrrhotite and Calcite
Pyrrhotite and Cubanite on Dolomite
Pyrrhotite and Galena with Calcite
Pyrrhotite and Quartz (4)
Pyrrhotite and Siderite
Pyrrhotite and Sphalerite (2)
Pyrrhotite on Dolomite (3)
Pyrrhotite on Galena
Pyrrhotite on Galena with Siderite
Pyrrhotite on Quartz (5)
Pyrrhotite on Sphalerite
Pyrrhotite with Apatite
Pyrrhotite with Calcite (2)
Pyrrhotite with Calcite, Quartz, Siderite
Pyrrhotite with Quartz (5)
Pyrrhotite with Siderite
Pyrrhotite with Siderite and Calcite (2)
Pyrrhotite with Siderite and Quartz
Pyrrhotite with Sphalerite (2)
Pyrrhotite with Sphalerite and Galena
Pyrrhotite, Arsenopyrite, Pyrite, Calcite, Gypsum var. Selenite
Pyrrhotite, Calcite, Galena, Quartz
Pyrrhotite, Calcite, Pyrite
Pyrrhotite, Calcite, Quartz (2)
Pyrrhotite, Calcite, Quartz, Sphalerite
Pyrrhotite, Galena, Calcite, Quartz
Pyrrhotite, Galena, Calcite, Quartz, Siderite
Pyrrhotite, Galena, Quartz
Pyrrhotite, Galena, Quartz, Pyrite
Pyrrhotite, Galena, Sphalerite
Pyrrhotite, Pyrite, Quartz
Pyrrhotite, Quartz, Calcite
Pyrrhotite, Quartz, Calcite, Sphalerite
Pyrrhotite, Sphalerite, Galena, Calcite
Pyrrhotite, Sphalerite, Siderite, Quartz