John Betts-Fine Minerals Online Mineral Museum

Mineral Museum Image Index

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Index of 1406 "Q" Minerals With Images
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P[Q Minerals] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z
Qaqarssukite-(Ce) (IMA2004-019)
Quart var. Agate
Quartz (528)
Quartz (14 small crystal clusters)
Quartz (4 faceted gemstones)
Quartz (Amethyst-Smoky Parallel Formation)
Quartz (amethystine)
Quartz (amethystine) and Calcite on Datolite
Quartz (amethystine) over Calcite
Quartz (Brazil Twin, combination of left-hand and right-hand crystals)
Quartz (complexly etched crystal) (5)
Quartz (crystal plus 1.51 carat faceted gemstone)
Quartz (Cumberland-habit) with Hematite
Quartz (curved crystal) (2)
Quartz (Dauphiné Law Twin) (2)
Quartz (Dauphiné Law Twinned) (2)
Quartz (Dauphiné Law Twins)
Quartz (Dauphiné Law Twins) with Orthoclase var. Adularia
Quartz (Dauphiné twin)
Quartz (Dauphiné-law Twin) (3)
Quartz (Dauphiné-law Twin) with Chlorite
Quartz (Dauphiné-law twinned) with epimorphic casts
Quartz (Dauphiné-law Twins)
Quartz (Dauphiné-law twins) with Arsenopyrite
Quartz (Dauphiné-law twins) with Muscovite
Quartz (di-pyramidal habit) on specular Hematite
Quartz (di-pyramidal habit) over Hematite
Quartz (di-pyramidal habit) with Goethite-Hematite inclusions
Quartz (di-pyramidal)
Quartz (dipyramidal) on Hedenbergite
Quartz (distorted crystal) (3)
Quartz (distorted Dauphiné Law twinned crystal exhibiting distinct cleavage faces)
Quartz (doubly terminated complex crystal)
Quartz (doubly terminated crystal)
Quartz (doubly terminated)
Quartz (doubly-terminated reverse-scepter)
Quartz (doubly-terminated) (3)
Quartz (etched crystals)
Quartz (etched to show Dauphiné-law twinning) (2)
Quartz (exhibiting piezoelectric selective deposition of Hematite) on Calcite
Quartz (Faden-habit) with Cookeite
Quartz (Fenestre)
Quartz (floater cluster)
Quartz (floater)
Quartz (Geode)
Quartz (Green)
Quartz (Japan Law Twin) (8)
Quartz (Japan Law Twin) with Amethyst overgrowth
Quartz (Japan Law Twin) with Clinochlore
Quartz (Japan Law-twinned crystals) (7)
Quartz (Japan Law-twinned crystals) with Wavellite
Quartz (Japan Law-twinned) (78)
Quartz (Japan Law-twinned) on Epidote
Quartz (Japan Law-twinned) on Sphalerite
Quartz (Japan Law-twinned) Reverse-Scepter Formation
Quartz (Japan Law-twinned) with chlorite inclusions
Quartz (Japan Law-twinned) with Magnesite
Quartz (Japan Law-twinned) with Pyrite
Quartz (lab-grown) (3)
Quartz (low temperature Beta-quartz)
Quartz (Nickel-rich) (2)
Quartz (optical grade) (2)
Quartz (optical-grade etched crystal)
Quartz (optical-grade) (2)
Quartz (optical-grade) with many rare crystal faces
Quartz (optical-grade) with rare crystal faces (5)
Quartz (parallel black stalactitic formations)
Quartz (parallel floater crystals)
Quartz (parallel growth) and Cookeite over Milky Quartz (2)
Quartz (parallel growth) over Milky Quartz
Quartz (parallel growth)and Cookeite over Milky Quartz
Quartz (parallel habit) with Cookeite (2)
Quartz (parallel-growth scepter formation)
Quartz (pseudo-cubic habit)
Quartz (pseudo-cubic)
Quartz (pseudomorphs?)
Quartz (reverse scepter crystals)
Quartz (reverse scepter crystals) with Pyrite
Quartz (reverse scepter formation) (3)
Quartz (Rose Quartz Crystals on parallel Smoky Quartz crystals)
Quartz (scepter formation)
Quartz (Scepter Formation) with Hematite inclusions and bubble in fluid-filled cavity (Enhydro) (2)
Quartz (scepter habit)
Quartz (scepter-growth) (6)
Quartz (scepter-growth) with Fluorite
Quartz (scepter-habit)
Quartz (scepter-shaped crystal) (4)
Quartz (Scepter-shaped crystals) (6)
Quartz (Scepter-shaped formation)
Quartz (scepter-shaped formations) with Elbaite Tourmaline
Quartz (see 60303)
Quartz (skeletal crystals with bubble enhydro)
Quartz (skeletal-growth)
Quartz (Smoky-Amethyst Scepter) (4)
Quartz (Smoky-Amethyst Scepter) on Smoky Quartz matrix
Quartz (Smoky-Amethyst Scepter) with Hyalite Opal
Quartz (stalactitic formation) (2)
Quartz (stalactitic growth) with Apophyllite
Quartz (stalactitic)
Quartz (stalactitic) with Calcite and Laumontite
Quartz (stalactitic) with Goethite
Quartz (synthetic blue)
Quartz (synthetic) (4)
Quartz (tabular habit)
Quartz (Tessin habit and reverse-scepters) on Almandine with Magnesite
Quartz (Tessin habit) with Ankerite and Muscovite
Quartz (Tessin habit) with Magnesite
Quartz (two small crystal clusters)
Quartz (unusual habit)
Quartz (unusual stepped growth)
Quartz (unusual stepped-growth) (2)
Quartz (with Japan Law-twinned)
Quartz (with large S-face) (4)
Quartz (with phantom-growth zones)
Quartz (with rare pinacoid termination face)
Quartz (with rare s, x, v faces)
Quartz (with S-face) (2)
Quartz (with x and s-faces)
Quartz - etched crystals (2)
Quartz - Flower Formation
Quartz - three di-pyramidal crystals
Quartz Amethyst
Quartz and Albite (2)
Quartz and Albite pseudomorphs after Spodumene
Quartz and Albite with Fluorapatite
Quartz and Albite with Fluorapatite, Hyalite Opal (2)
Quartz and Azurite
Quartz and Calcite (2)
Quartz and Calcite over Fluorite with Pyrite
Quartz and Calcite over Ilvaite
Quartz and Calcite over Rhodochrosite
Quartz and Calcite with Goethite
Quartz and Cerussite on Galena
Quartz and Chalcopyrite (2)
Quartz and Chalcopyrite on Galena
Quartz and Chalcopyrite on Sphalerite
Quartz and Chalcopyrite with Covellite coating (2)
Quartz and Covellite
Quartz and Datolite
Quartz and Dolomite (2)
Quartz and Epidote
Quartz and Feldspar (Graphic Granite)
Quartz and Fluorite (2)
Quartz and Galena
Quartz and Hematite (5)
Quartz and lamellar-twinned Sphalerite with minor Pyrite
Quartz and Microcline with unknown
Quartz and Pyrite (2)
Quartz and Pyrite on Quartz pseudomorphs after Calcite
Quartz and Pyrite on Sphalerite
Quartz and Pyrite over Fluorite (3)
Quartz and Rhodonite
Quartz and Siderite-coated Calcite
Quartz and Sphalerite (2)
Quartz cabochon
Quartz cast after Anhydrite
Quartz casts after Anhydrite (2)
Quartz casts after Anhydrite with Prehnite
Quartz casts after Glauberite and Anhydrite
Quartz casts and crystals
Quartz coated with Prehnite
Quartz coating Fluorite on Quartz (2)
Quartz Concretion (2)
Quartz Crystal (5)
Quartz Crystals (5)
Quartz di-pyramidal crystal with Hematite
Quartz dissolved by hot spring water
Quartz epimorph after Anhydrite (2)
Quartz epimorph after Calcite
Quartz epimorph after Laumontite (3)
Quartz epimorph after Natrolite
Quartz epimorph over Calcite
Quartz epimorph with Calcite
Quartz epimorphs of Anhydrite (7)
Quartz exhibiting rare faces
Quartz floater
Quartz Geode (4)
Quartz Geode (matched halves)
Quartz geode (reverse scepter formations)
Quartz geode coated with yellow-metallic highlights over purple dye (FAKE)
Quartz geode lined with Galena (FAKE) (3)
Quartz Geode with Barite and Dolomite
Quartz Geode with Calcite (15)
Quartz Geode with Calcite and Sphalerite
Quartz Geode with Pyrite
Quartz in Anhydrite
Quartz in Calcite (4)
Quartz in clay
Quartz in etched Spodumene
Quartz in Quartz
Quartz in Rhyolite (2)
Quartz in Siderite
Quartz included in Quartz
Quartz Japan Law-twinned
Quartz on Albite (2)
Quartz on Albite var. Cleavelandite
Quartz on Amethyst Quartz
Quartz on Andradite Garnet
Quartz on Aragonite
Quartz on Basalt
Quartz on Bournonite with Chalcopyrite and Jamesonite-Boulangerite
Quartz on Calcite (6)
Quartz on Calcite with Pyrite and Goethite inclusions
Quartz on Calcite-Aragonite
Quartz on Chalcopyrite
Quartz on Chrysocolla (4)
Quartz on Cookeite (2)
Quartz on Datolite
Quartz on Dolomite pseudomorphs after Calcite (2)
Quartz on Elbaite Tourmaline (2)
Quartz on Epidote
Quartz on Flint
Quartz on Fluorite (4)
Quartz on Galena
Quartz on Galena with Siderite, Sphalerite, Tetrahedrite
Quartz on Hematite (4)
Quartz on Johannsenite (2)
Quartz on Johannsenite with Manganbabingtonite (2)
Quartz on Lepidolite
Quartz on Lignite
Quartz on Magnetite
Quartz on Marble
Quartz on Microcline
Quartz on Microcline-Albite
Quartz on Muscovite
Quartz on Orthoclase var. Adularia
Quartz on Petrified Wood (2)
Quartz on Prehnite
Quartz on Prehnite with Pumpellyite-(Mg)
Quartz on Prehnite with Pyrite
Quartz on Pyrite (4)
Quartz on Quartz (8)
Quartz on Quartz var. Chalcedony
Quartz on Quartz with Calcite
Quartz on Rhodochrosite (3)
Quartz on Rubellite Tourmaline
Quartz on Siderite
Quartz on Sphalerite (10)
Quartz on Sphalerite with Calcite
Quartz on Stibnite
Quartz on Tetrahedrite (4)
Quartz on Tetrahedrite coated with Pyrite
Quartz over Agate
Quartz over Beta-Quartz
Quartz over Calcite
Quartz over Calcite and Quartz
Quartz over Calcite on Amethyst Quartz
Quartz over Chalcedony with Hematite inclusions
Quartz over Chrysocolla (9)
Quartz over Danburite
Quartz over Descloizite (2)
Quartz over Descloizite and Wulfenite with Calcite
Quartz over Fluorite (7)
Quartz over Fluorite over Quartz (2)
Quartz over Fluorite with Galena and Pyrite
Quartz over Galena and Sphalerite
Quartz over Hemimorphite over Wulfenite (2)
Quartz over Magnetite
Quartz over Malachite
Quartz over Malachite on Tenorite
Quartz over Natrolite
Quartz over Quartz (2)
Quartz over Quartz pseudomorphs after Laumontite (2)
Quartz over Quartz with Hematite inclusion and Magnesite
Quartz over Rhodochrosite
Quartz over Rhodochrosite on Sphalerite
Quartz over Shattuckite
Quartz over Sphalerite (3)
Quartz over stalactitic Limonite
Quartz over Vanadinite and Descloizite
Quartz over Willemite and Wulfenite
Quartz over Wulfenite (3)
Quartz parallel growth
Quartz pseudomorph after Anhydrite (19)
Quartz pseudomorph after Anhydrite with Calcite, Laumontite
Quartz pseudomorph after Anhydrite with Datolite (2)
Quartz pseudomorph after Anhydrite with Prehnite
Quartz pseudomorph after Anhydrite with Smoky Quartz
Quartz pseudomorph after Apatite
Quartz pseudomorph after Aragonite (3)
Quartz pseudomorph after Barite
Quartz pseudomorph after Barite with Tennantite
Quartz pseudomorph after Calcite (4)
Quartz pseudomorph after Calcite or Anhydrite
Quartz pseudomorph after Calcite with Aragonite
Quartz pseudomorph after Calcite(?) with Heulandite and Calcite
Quartz pseudomorph after Crocidolite (Tiger-Eye) (8)
Quartz pseudomorph after Datolite
Quartz pseudomorph after Fluorite (2)
Quartz pseudomorph after Glauberite
Quartz pseudomorph after Gypsum
Quartz pseudomorph after Halite
Quartz pseudomorph after Stibnite with Barite
Quartz pseudomorph after Viviparous Reesidei
Quartz pseudomorphous after Crocidolite (Tiger-Eye) (6)
Quartz pseudomorphous after Crocidolite-Riebeckite (Tiger-Eye) (5)
Quartz pseudomorphs
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite (30)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite on Amethyst
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite on Quartz
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Babingtonite and Stilbite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Calcite (4)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Calcite and Laumontite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Calcite, Heulandite and Laumontite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Calcite, Stilbite, Babingtonite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Chabazite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Chamosite (2)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Chamosite and Heulandite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Hematite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Heulandite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Heulandite, Calcite and Quartz
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Quartz and Celadonite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Quartz and Heulandite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Stilbite-Ca (2)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Aragonite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Barite (6)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Barite with Pyromorphite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Barite(?)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Calcite (21)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Calcite and Fluorite (2)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Calcite with Fluorite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Calcite with Sphalerite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Coral
Quartz pseudomorphs after Danburite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Fluorite (3)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Fluorite and Calcite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Glauberite (17)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Glauberite (epimorphs)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Glauberite with Calcite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Glauberite with Heulandite-Ca
Quartz pseudomorphs after Gypsum (4)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Hemimorphite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Heulandite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Laumontite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Laumontite(?) with Stilbite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Laumontite, Stilbite (2)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Natrolite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Riebeckite (Tiger's Eye)
Quartz pseudomorphs after Sponge
Quartz pseudomorphs after Talc
Quartz pseudomorphs after Topaz
Quartz pseudomorphs after twinned Calcite on Amethyst Quartz
Quartz pseudomorphs after unknown
Quartz pseudomorphs after Wulfenite with Calcite
Quartz pseudomorphs after Wulfenite with Vanadinite and Wulfenite
Quartz reverse scepter with 2 Enhydro inclusions
Quartz Scepter (7)
Quartz scepter-shaped formation
Quartz Stalactite
Quartz stalactitic formations
Quartz stalactitic formations with Hematite
Quartz var Amethyst (reverse scepter habit)
Quartz var. Agate (25)
Quartz var. Agate (polished slice of an agate nodule) (7)
Quartz var. Agate (samples of dyed colors)
Quartz var. Agate (section of stalactite) (3)
Quartz var. Agate and Petrified Wood (set in polyester resin coffee table)
Quartz var. Agate Carving
Quartz var. Agate Geode (8)
Quartz var. Agate Geode slab
Quartz var. Agate Geode with Quartz crystal lining
Quartz var. Agate pseudomorphs after Coral (Tampa Bay Coral) (31)
Quartz var. Agate Slab (2)
Quartz var. Agate Thunderegg (6)
Quartz var. Agate with Amethyst
Quartz var. Agate with Calcite
Quartz var. Agates
Quartz var. Agua Nueva Agate (8)
Quartz var. Amethyst (608)
Quartz var. Amethyst (48.0 grams of facet-grade rough)
Quartz var. Amethyst (Cactus Quartz) (29)
Quartz var. Amethyst (crystal with 2.05 faceted gemstone)
Quartz var. Amethyst (facet-grade)
Quartz var. Amethyst (gem rough)
Quartz var. Amethyst (gem-grade)
Quartz var. Amethyst (Japan Law-twinned) Scepter-shaped formation
Quartz var. Amethyst (jewelry grade)
Quartz var. Amethyst (Laboratory Grown)
Quartz var. Amethyst (polished section of stalactite)
Quartz var. Amethyst (polished slice)
Quartz var. Amethyst (reverse-scepter formation)
Quartz var. Amethyst (Scepter Formation) (6)
Quartz var. Amethyst (scepter-shaped crystal)
Quartz var. Amethyst (scepter-shaped crystals) (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst (scepter-shaped formation)
Quartz var. Amethyst (sector-zoned crystal slice) (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst (Spirit Quartz) (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst (with moveable bubble inclusion)
Quartz var. Amethyst (with moveable bubble)
Quartz var. Amethyst (with phantom-growth zones)
Quartz var. Amethyst (with rare pinacoid termination face) (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst (with two-phase inclusion) with Prehnite overgrowth
Quartz var. Amethyst (with unusual zoning)
Quartz var. Amethyst (zoned crystal slice) (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst Agate
Quartz var. Amethyst and Agate
Quartz var. Amethyst and Milky (3)
Quartz var. Amethyst and Smoky Quartz
Quartz var. Amethyst enhydro
Quartz var. Amethyst epimorphs after Barite (5)
Quartz var. Amethyst Flower (10)
Quartz var. Amethyst Flower with Celadonite (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst Flower with quartz pseudomorphs after Anhydrite
Quartz var. Amethyst Geode (6)
Quartz var. Amethyst Geode with Calcite
Quartz var. Amethyst in Calcite
Quartz var. Amethyst in Jasper
Quartz var. Amethyst in pseudomorphic cavities after Anhydrite
Quartz var. Amethyst Japan Law-twinned (5)
Quartz var. Amethyst Japan Law-twinned Reverse-Scepter Formation
Quartz var. Amethyst on Albite
Quartz var. Amethyst on Calcite
Quartz var. Amethyst on Calcite and Dolomite (3)
Quartz var. Amethyst on Calcite with Aragonite
Quartz var. Amethyst on Fluorite (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst on Galena
Quartz var. Amethyst on Goethite
Quartz var. Amethyst on Milky Quartz (11)
Quartz var. Amethyst on Quartz (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst on Quartz with Hematite inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst on Smoky Quartz (9)
Quartz var. Amethyst over Barite
Quartz var. Amethyst over hemispherical Agate Eye
Quartz var. Amethyst over Milky Quartz (5)
Quartz var. Amethyst over Milky Quartz with Albite
Quartz var. Amethyst over Sphalerite
Quartz var. Amethyst overgrown on Milky Quartz (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst pseudomorph after Anhydrite
Quartz var. Amethyst pseudomorph after Anhydrite with Gmelinite
Quartz var. Amethyst pseudomorph after Aragonite with Calcite
Quartz var. Amethyst pseudomorphs after Anhydrite with Goethite
Quartz var. Amethyst pseudomorphs after Calcite
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz (158)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz (Cactus Quartz) (4)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz (gem-grade facet rough)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz (Reverse Scepter Formation) with Hematite
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz (Scepter Formation) (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz (Scepter Formations)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz (scepter-shaped crystal)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz (scepter-shaped crystals)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz (with phantom-growth zoning)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz (with polished termination)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz on Calcite (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz on Datolite with Chamosite
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz on Milky Quartz (3)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz scepter-shaped crystal
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz scepter-shaped crystal with Hematite inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz stalactitic formations (4)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with Calcite (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with Dolomite (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with Goethite
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with Goethite inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with Goethite inclusions on Calcite
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with Hematite
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with Hematite inclusions (46)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with Hematite inclusions plus Barite (3)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with Hematite-Goethite
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with Milky Quartz
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with minor Goethite inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with minor Hematite inclusions (4)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with moveable internal bubble (Enhydro) (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with phantom-growth zone (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with phantom-growth zones (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with Prehnite and Calcite
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with pseudomorphic mold after Anhydrite
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with spherical pseudomorphs
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with stalactitic formation
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with two cavities with moveable bubbles (Enhydro)
Quartz var. Amethyst Quartz with zoned growth
Quartz var. Amethyst Reverse Scepters
Quartz var. Amethyst Rose
Quartz var. Amethyst scepter (46)
Quartz var. Amethyst Scepter formation
Quartz var. Amethyst Scepter formation with moveable bubble inclusion
Quartz var. Amethyst Scepter with 0.83 carat faceted gemstone
Quartz var. Amethyst Scepter with Calcite
Quartz var. Amethyst scepter-shaped crystal
Quartz var. Amethyst scepter-shaped Japan Law-twinned
Quartz var. Amethyst Scepters (7)
Quartz var. Amethyst Sowbelly Agate
Quartz var. Amethyst Stalactite (5)
Quartz var. Amethyst Stalactite section
Quartz var. Amethyst with 11.50 carat oval gemstone
Quartz var. Amethyst with 2.35 carat faceted gemstone
Quartz var. Amethyst with 4.32 carat oval gemstone
Quartz var. Amethyst with 8.60 carat triangular gemstone
Quartz var. Amethyst with Albite
Quartz var. Amethyst with Barite
Quartz var. Amethyst with bubble inclusion (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst with Calcite (18)
Quartz var. Amethyst with Calcite and Dolomite
Quartz var. Amethyst with Calcite inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst with casts after Anhydrite
Quartz var. Amethyst with cavities after Anhydrite
Quartz var. Amethyst with Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite
Quartz var. Amethyst with Datolite
Quartz var. Amethyst with Dolomite (7)
Quartz var. Amethyst with Epidote (3)
Quartz var. Amethyst with Goethite and Malachite
Quartz var. Amethyst with Goethite inclusions (6)
Quartz var. Amethyst with Goethite-Hematite inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst with Hematite (25)
Quartz var. Amethyst with Hematite and Chlorite
Quartz var. Amethyst with Hematite and Goethite
Quartz var. Amethyst with Hematite inclusions (16)
Quartz var. Amethyst with Hematite inclusions and Sericite
Quartz var. Amethyst with Hematite inclusions and smoky phantoms
Quartz var. Amethyst with Hematite inclusions on Prehnite
Quartz var. Amethyst with Hematite-Goethite inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst with Hyalite Opal (3)
Quartz var. Amethyst with Kutnohorite over Calcite
Quartz var. Amethyst with minor Goethite inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst with minor Hematite inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst with minor Hematite-Goethite inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst with moveable bubble and Hematite inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst with moveable bubble and Smoky phantoms
Quartz var. Amethyst with moveable bubble inclusion (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst with phantom-growth zoning
Quartz var. Amethyst with Prehnite
Quartz var. Amethyst with Prehnite, Heulandite and molds after Anhydrite
Quartz var. Amethyst with pseudomorphic molds after Anhydrite
Quartz var. Amethyst with Pyrite
Quartz var. Amethyst with Pyrite inclusions on Smoky Quartz (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst with Quartz overgrowth
Quartz var. Amethyst with Rutile and Clinochlore
Quartz var. Amethyst with Rutile inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst with Smoky phantoms (3)
Quartz var. Amethyst with Smoky phantoms with moveable bubble inclusion (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst with Stilbite
Quartz var. Amethyst with unusual spherical inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst with white inclusions
Quartz var. Amethyst-Citrine (2)
Quartz var. Amethyst-Citrine Quartz
Quartz var. Amethyst-Smoky (3)
Quartz var. Amethyst-Smoky (scepter-shaped formation) (4)
Quartz var. Amethyst-Smoky Quartz
Quartz var. Amethyst-Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné Law Twins)
Quartz var. Amethyst-Smoky Scepter
Quartz var. Amethyst-Smoky scepter-shaped crystal
Quartz var. Amethystine (8)
Quartz var. Amethystine on Fluorite
Quartz var. Amethystine Quartz (2)
Quartz var. Amethystine Quartz (floater found in amethyst geode)
Quartz var. Amethystine Quartz (scepter-shaped crystals) (2)
Quartz var. Amethystine Quartz on Calcite
Quartz var. Amethystine Quartz scepter-shaped crystals with Sphalerite
Quartz var. Amethystine Scepter
Quartz var. Amethystine with Epidote
Quartz var. Amethystine with Goethite
Quartz var. Amethystine with Goethite inclusions
Quartz var. Ametrine (7)
Quartz var. Ametrine (Amethyst and Citrine combination) (3)
Quartz var. Ametrine (rare combination of amethyst and citrine)
Quartz var. Ametrine (sawn to show alternating amethyst-citrine zones within a single crystal) (2)
Quartz var. Ametrine (with rare pinacoid face) (2)
Quartz var. Ametrine (with rare pinacoid termination face) (5)
Quartz var. Ametrine Crystal (rare combination of amethyst and citrine) (4)
Quartz var. Ametrine Crystal polished slice (rare combination of amethyst and citrine) (3)
Quartz var. Ametrine Quartz (rare combination of amethyst and citrine)
Quartz var. Ametrine Quartz Crystal
Quartz var. Ametrine with rare C-face termination
Quartz var. Aqua Aura (2)
Quartz var. Aventurine
Quartz var. Babel Quartz
Quartz var. Banded Agate (16)
Quartz var. Banded Agate Slab
Quartz var. Banded Agate with Amethyst Quartz
Quartz var. Banded Agate with casts after Anhydrite
Quartz var. Basanite
Quartz var. Bergkristall
Quartz var. Bergkrystall (Dauphiné Law Twin)
Quartz var. Black Herkimer Diamond with black hydrocarbon inclusions (2)
Quartz var. Black Herkimer Diamonds with black hydrocarbon inclusions (4)
Quartz var. Brazil Twin
Quartz var. Bruneau Jasper
Quartz var. Carnelian (21)
Quartz var. Cellular (nickel-rich)
Quartz var. Chalcedony (21)
Quartz var. Chalcedony (fluorescent) (12)
Quartz var. Chalcedony (Grape Agate) (4)
Quartz var. Chalcedony Agate (2)
Quartz var. Chalcedony epimorphs over Scolecite
Quartz var. Chalcedony Geode (2)
Quartz var. Chalcedony on Magnesite
Quartz var. Chalcedony on Romanechite
Quartz var. Chalcedony over Chrysocolla
Quartz var. Chalcedony pseudomorph after Horn Coral (fossilized Horn Coral)
Quartz var. Chalcedony pseudomorph after Wood (Petrified Wood)
Quartz var. Chalcedony pseudomorphs after Aragonite
Quartz var. Chalcedony pseudomorphs after Calcite
Quartz var. Chalcedony pseudomorphs after Fluorite (2)
Quartz var. Chalcedony Stalactite
Quartz var. Chalcedony stalactitic formations
Quartz var. Chalcedony with Fluorapatite
Quartz var. Chalcedony with Hematite-coated Stilbite
Quartz var. Chalcedony with Manganese-oxide dendrites
Quartz var. Chalcedony with Pyrite and Calcite
Quartz var. Chrome Chalcedony pseudomorphs after Calcite
Quartz var. Chrysoprase (8)
Quartz var. Citrine (9)
Quartz var. Citrine over Chalcedony Quartz
Quartz var. Citrine Quartz (2)
Quartz var. Citrine with Elbaite var. Rubellite Tourmaline
Quartz var. Condor Agate (5)
Quartz var. Coyamito Agate
Quartz var. Crazy Lace Agate
Quartz var. Crazy Quilt Agate
Quartz var. Cumberland Habit on Specular Hematite
Quartz var. Cumberland-habit with Hematite inclusions
Quartz var. Dauphiné-law Twin (4)
Quartz var. Dauphiné-twin with Tourmaline inclusions
Quartz var. Dauphiné-twinned Herkimer Diamond
Quartz var. Dauphiné-twinned Smoky Quartz
Quartz var. Dendritic Agate
Quartz var. Doubly-terminated reverse scepter (4)
Quartz var. Drusy Herkimer Diamonds (5)
Quartz var. Drusy Herkimer Diamonds on dolostone
Quartz var. Dugway Geode
Quartz var. Eldoradoite (Smoky Quartz)
Quartz var. Enhydro (3)
Quartz var. Eye Agate (3)
Quartz var. Eye-Agate
Quartz var. Faden Habit (4)
Quartz var. Faden-habit (69)
Quartz var. Faden-Habit Quartz (3)
Quartz var. Faden-habit with Calcite
Quartz var. Ferruginous Quartz (2)
Quartz var. Ferruginous Quartz (Eisenkiesel)
Quartz var. Fire Agate (55)
Quartz var. Firefly Quartz with large moveable bubble in petroleum-filled cavity
Quartz var. Flint nodule
Quartz var. Flower (2)
Quartz var. Fortification Agate (3)
Quartz var. Geode (3)
Quartz var. Geode with Goethite
Quartz var. Grape Agate (7)
Quartz var. Green Quartz (2)
Quartz var. Gwindel (8)
Quartz var. Gwindel-habit (4)
Quartz var. Hadassah Rose
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond (456)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond (distorted crystal)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond (pseudo-cubic habit)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond (skeletal crystal)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond (skeletal habit) (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond (unusual distorted crystal)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond (with bubble-fluid inclusion)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond (with fluid-solid bubble inclusion)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond (with organic inclusion)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond (with smoky crystal inclusion)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond (with unusual drusy overgrowth)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond cluster (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond Double Scepter
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond in Calcite (3)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond in Calcite with Dolomite (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond in dolostone (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond in dolostone cavity (9)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond on Dolomite (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond on Dolomite with Pyrite
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond on drusy Quartz
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond on hydrocarbon
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond Scepter (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond scepter-shaped crystal
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond scepter-shaped crystals (4)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond scepters-shaped crystals
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with 2 moveable bubble inclusions (enhydro)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with Anthraxolite
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with black phantom-growth zone (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with Calcite (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with Dolomite (26)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with Dolomite and Calcite (3)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with Dolomite and Pyrite (5)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with Dolomite and Pyrite in Calcite (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with Dolomite inclusions
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with filiform inclusion
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with fluid inclusions (enhydro)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with fluid-filled cavity and moveable inclusions
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with golden limonite
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with Hematite and Pyrite
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with Hydrocarbon inclusions (6)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with inclusions
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with internal bubbles and hydrocarbon inclusions
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with Marcasite and Dolomite
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with moveable crystal inclusion
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with moveable inclusion
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with negative crystal inclusion
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with Pyrite
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with Pyrite inclusions
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with Pyrobitumen inclusions (6)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with rare corner faces
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with rare S-faces
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with rare {2111} S-faces (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with red Hematite (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamond with two-phase inclusions
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (109)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (10 A-quality crystals) (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (12 A-quality crystals)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (12 B-quality crystals)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (16 C-quality crystals)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (200+ crystals collected in a single pocket)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (4 crystals)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (9 crystals)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (collection of 102 crystals, 8-11 mm)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (collection of 109 crystals, 7-10 mm)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (collection of 115 crystals, 3-35 mm)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (collection of 220 crystals, 2-5 mm)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (collection of 390 crystals, 3-8 mm)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (collection of 430 crystals, 3-8 mm)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (collection of 480 crystals, 3-7 mm)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (collection of 5 crystals, 10-11 mm)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (collection of 5 crystals, 10-12 mm)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (collection of 5 crystals, 11-12 mm) (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (collection of 64 crystals, 9-15 mm)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (distorted crystal)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (set of 10 crystals)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (set of 20 crystals)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (set of 24 crystals)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (set of 32+ crystals)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (set of 44 crystals)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (set of 6 crystals) (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (set of 7 crystals)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (set of 8 crystals)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds (unusual form)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds in Calcite with Dolomite, Pyrite
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds in dolostone (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds on dolostone (3)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds on drusy Herkimer Diamonds (21)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds on Drusy Quartz
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds with Dolomite
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds with hydrocarbon inclusions (2)
Quartz var. Herkimer Diamonds with large moveable bubble in fluid-filled cavity (Enhydro)
Quartz var. Herkimer Scepters
Quartz var. Hourglass Amethyst
Quartz var. Iris Agate (3)
Quartz var. Jacare (Alligator)
Quartz var. Japan Law-twinned
Quartz var. Japan Law-twinned with Andradite Garnet
Quartz var. Japan Law-twinned with Dravite Tourmaline inclusions
Quartz var. Jasp-Agate
Quartz var. Jasper (2)
Quartz var. Jasper and Jasp-Agate
Quartz var. Jasper pseudomorphs after Barite
Quartz var. Keokuk Geode with Calcite
Quartz var. Keswick Agate
Quartz var. Laguna Agate (28)
Quartz var. Laguna Agate (matched pair)
Quartz var. Lake Superior Agate
Quartz var. Madeira Citrine
Quartz var. Madeira Citrine (6.78 carat oval gemstone)
Quartz var. Midlothian Diamond
Quartz var. Milky (27)
Quartz var. Milky on Prehnite
Quartz var. Milky Quartz (21)
Quartz var. Milky Quartz (3 crystals)
Quartz var. Milky Quartz (Cathedral-habit)
Quartz var. Milky Quartz Crystal
Quartz var. Milky Quartz Crystals (2)
Quartz var. Milky Quartz with Pyrite
Quartz var. Milky with Amethyst overgrowth
Quartz var. Milky with Apatite overgrowth
Quartz var. Milky-Amethyst (3)
Quartz var. Milky-Amethyst with Limonite coating
Quartz var. Moctezuma Agate
Quartz var. Morion Quartz
Quartz var. Muzo Habit Quartz (5)
Quartz var. Orbicular Jasper (Ocean Jasper)
Quartz var. Parcelas Agate
Quartz var. Pecos Diamond (rare pseudo-cubic habit)
Quartz var. Pecos Diamonds (4)
Quartz var. Pecos Diamonds (8 crystals)
Quartz var. Petrified Coniferous Wood (Silicified Wood)
Quartz var. Petrified Palm Wood
Quartz var. Petrified Palmroot
Quartz var. Petrified Walnut
Quartz var. Petrified Wood (17)
Quartz var. Petrified Wood (Limb Cast) (2)
Quartz var. Pink Amethyst Geode
Quartz var. Pink Quartz (3)
Quartz var. Polyhedral
Quartz var. Polyhedral Agate Geode
Quartz var. Prase (Quartz+Chlorite-Hornblende)
Quartz var. Pseudocubic
Quartz var. Pseudocubic-habit
Quartz var. Quartz Geode (2)
Quartz var. Rauschquarz
Quartz var. Red Amethyst
Quartz var. Reverse Scepter (2)
Quartz var. Reverse Scepters
Quartz var. Rose (7)
Quartz var. Rose and Smoky
Quartz var. Rose and Smoky Quartz
Quartz var. Rose Crystals (2)
Quartz var. Rose on Smoky Quartz
Quartz var. Rose Quartz (10)
Quartz var. Rose Quartz (cabochon-grade)
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals (149)
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals and Albite
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals and Eosphorite on Quartz
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals in Albite
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals on Albite (11)
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals on Albite with Muscovite (3)
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals on Albite with Muscovite with Cookeite
Quartz var. Rose Quartz crystals on colorless Quartz
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals on Milky Quartz (8)
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals on Milky Quartz with Muscovite (2)
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals on Muscovite, Albite
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals on Smoky Quartz (4)
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals with 6.45 carat faceted Rose Quartz gemstone
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals with Albite (4)
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals with colorless Quartz
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals with Cookeite (2)
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals with Cookeite on Albite (6)
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals with Eosphorite (10)
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals with hair-like inclusions
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals with Hydroxyl-herderite
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals with Montebrasite(?)
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals with Muscovite, Albite
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals with Roscherite
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals with Wardite and Eosphorite
Quartz var. Rose Quartz Crystals, Eosphorite, Fluorapatite, Cookeite
Quartz var. Rose Quartz with Elbaite Tourmaline
Quartz var. Rutilated (3)
Quartz var. Sagenite Agate (4)
Quartz var. Scepter (14)
Quartz var. Scepter Amethyst Quartz
Quartz var. Scepter Smoky Quartz with Hyalite Opal
Quartz var. Scepter with Barite
Quartz var. Scepter with fluid inclusion (enhydro)
Quartz var. Scepter-Growth Quartz
Quartz var. Sceptered Amethyst
Quartz var. Sceptered Amethyst Japan Law-twinned
Quartz var. Silicified Wood
Quartz var. Silicified Wood (Petrified Wood) (2)
Quartz var. Skeletal Herkimer Diamond
Quartz var. Skeletal Quartz
Quartz var. Skeletal Smoky Quartz (4)
Quartz var. Skeletal-growth
Quartz var. Smoky (237)
Quartz var. Smoky (40.40 carat heart-shaped gemstone)
Quartz var. Smoky (Brazil-Law twin) with large S-faces
Quartz var. Smoky (Brazil-Law twin) with Muscovite
Quartz var. Smoky (Dauphiné-law twinned)
Quartz var. Smoky (Dauphiné-law twinned) with Microcline
Quartz var. Smoky (etched)
Quartz var. Smoky (facet-grade gem rough)
Quartz var. Smoky (irradiated) (2)
Quartz var. Smoky (Jacarre)
Quartz var. Smoky (parallel growth)
Quartz var. Smoky (Scepter Formation)
Quartz var. Smoky (with 2.36 carat faceted gemstone)
Quartz var. Smoky (with 6.49 carat oval gemstone)
Quartz var. Smoky Amethyst (3)
Quartz var. Smoky Amethyst Scepter
Quartz var. Smoky and Calcite (2)
Quartz var. Smoky and Cookeite
Quartz var. Smoky and Microcline var. Amazonite
Quartz var. Smoky and Rose
Quartz var. Smoky and Rose Quartz Crystals
Quartz var. Smoky Closed Gwindel
Quartz var. Smoky Dauphiné Twin
Quartz var. Smoky Dauphiné-law Twin (5)
Quartz var. Smoky Dauphiné-law Twins
Quartz var. Smoky Gwindel (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Gwindel-habit (3)
Quartz var. Smoky Herkimer Diamonds
Quartz var. Smoky in Anhydrite
Quartz var. Smoky Japan Law-twinned (5)
Quartz var. Smoky on Albite (6)
Quartz var. Smoky on Calcite with Hematite
Quartz var. Smoky on Hematite
Quartz var. Smoky on Microcline (9)
Quartz var. Smoky on Microcline (Carlsbad-law twinned)
Quartz var. Smoky on Microcline var. Amazonite (4)
Quartz var. Smoky on Microcline var. Amazonite with Albite
Quartz var. Smoky on Microcline, Albite
Quartz var. Smoky on Orthoclase
Quartz var. Smoky on Rose Quartz
Quartz var. Smoky over Galena with Fluorite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (176)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (48 crystals from a single pocket)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (7 crystals) (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (bent crystal)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (curved crystal) (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné Law twin) (9)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné Law Twin) on Albite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné Law twinned) (13)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné Law Twinned) with Muscovite Mica
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné Law Twins) (22)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné Law Twins) on Microcline (5)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné Law Twins) on Microcline and Albite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné Law twins) with Goethite pseudomorph after Siderite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné Law Twins) with Limonite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné Law Twins) with Muscovite (3)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné Law Twins), Microcline, Albite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné Twin) (7)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné-law twin) (6)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné-law twin) on Microcline (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné-law twin) with Chlorite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné-law twin) with Microcline inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné-law twin) with Muscovite (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné-law twinned) (6)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné-law twinned) with Microcline
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné-law twinned) with Muscovite (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné-law twins) (5)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné-law twins) on Microcline (9)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Dauphiné-law twins) with large S-face
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (distorted crystal) on Albite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (distorted)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (doubly terminated asymmetric crystal)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (doubly terminated crystal) (3)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (doubly terminated crystals)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (doubly terminated Dauphiné Law twinned) (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (doubly terminated Dauphiné Law twins)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (doubly terminated floater)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (doubly terminated)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (doubly-terminated floater)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (etched crystals)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (facet-grade flawless crystals)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (facet-grade) (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (false twin)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (flawless crystal with rare extra faces)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (flawless crystal)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (floater parallel crystals)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (gem-grade) (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (gemstone)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Gwindel formation) (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (healed crystal)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (irradiated) (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (parallel crystals) (3)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (parallel growth formation)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (parallel growth) (9)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (parallel-growth)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Scepter Formation) (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (scepter-shaped crystal)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (scepter-shaped formation)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (set of 12 crystals with rare crystal faces)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Skeletal Crystal)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (Tessin habit) (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (with 6.95 carat oval gemstone)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (with large X and S-faces)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (with milky internal phantom zone) on Microcline
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (with phantom-growth zone)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (with phantom-growth zoning)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (with rare crystal faces) (20)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (with rare crystal faces) Dauphiné Law Twin (3)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz (with unusual inclusions in the termination)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz and Albite on Microcline
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz and Microcline var. Amazonite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz Crystals
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz Dauphiné Law Twin
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz Dauphiné-Law twin
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz distorted crystal
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz Gwindel (6)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz in Albite-Microcline
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz in Anhydrite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz on Albite (12)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz on Albite and Microcline
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz on Albite with Muscovite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz on Albite-Microcline (3)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz on Calcite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz on Microcline (11)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz on Microcline and Albite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz on Microcline var. Amazonite (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz on Microcline with Muscovite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz on Milky Quartz
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz on Muscovite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz on Perthite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz over Milky Quartz (3)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz parallel crystals
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz Parallel Growth over Milky Quartz
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz plus Microcline
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz Scepter
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with 10 carat faceted gemstone
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with 10.5 carat oval gemstone
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with 29 carat faceted gemstone
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with 7.8 gram faceted gemstone
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Actinolite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Albite (4)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Albite and Muscovite on Microcline
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Albite on Microcline
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Albite overgrowth
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Albite, Muscovite, Microcline
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Albite-Microcline
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Amazonite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Arfvedsonite (3)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Calcite and pseudomorphic mold after Anhydrite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Chlorite (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Chlorite inclusions (2)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Dolomite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Dolomite and pyrite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Foitite-Elbaite Tourmaline
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Goethite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Goethite and Hematite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Goethite inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Goethite inclusions and minor Calcite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Hematite (12)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Hematite inclusions (5)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Hyalite Opal and Calcite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with internal zoning
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Microcline (5)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Microcline var. Amazonite (5)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Milky Quartz
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with minor Calcite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Muscovite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with phantom-growth zoning (3)
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Pyrite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Pyrite inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Rutile inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Rutile inclusions and minor Hematite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Schorl Tourmaline inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with selectively etched faces
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with Spessartine Garnet inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with subsurface inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with thin coating of colorless Quartz
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with unusual green inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz with white zoning
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz, Microcline, Albite
Quartz var. Smoky Quartz, Microcline, Albite with Hyalite Opal
Quartz var. Smoky Reverse-scepter
Quartz var. Smoky Scepter (6)
Quartz var. Smoky Scepter Formation
Quartz var. Smoky Scepter with Lepidolite
Quartz var. Smoky Scepter-shaped crystals over Rose Quartz
Quartz var. Smoky Skeletal
Quartz var. Smoky Tabular Quartz
Quartz var. Smoky with Albite (3)
Quartz var. Smoky with Amazonite
Quartz var. Smoky with Anatase
Quartz var. Smoky with Chlorite
Quartz var. Smoky with Chlorite coating
Quartz var. Smoky with Diopside inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky with Dolomite
Quartz var. Smoky with Elbaite Tourmaline
Quartz var. Smoky with Fluorapatite
Quartz var. Smoky with Fluorite
Quartz var. Smoky with Goethite and Hematite
Quartz var. Smoky with Goethite overgrowths
Quartz var. Smoky with Hematite (3)
Quartz var. Smoky with Hematite inclusions (3)
Quartz var. Smoky with Hyalite Opal
Quartz var. Smoky with large S-face
Quartz var. Smoky with Microcline (9)
Quartz var. Smoky with Microcline and Hyalite Opal (2)
Quartz var. Smoky with Microcline var. Amazonite (6)
Quartz var. Smoky with Microcline, Albite, Muscovite
Quartz var. Smoky with Microlite
Quartz var. Smoky with moveable bubble inclusion
Quartz var. Smoky with Muscovite (3)
Quartz var. Smoky with Muscovite and Albite
Quartz var. Smoky with phantom growth (6)
Quartz var. Smoky with rare {4041} crystal faces
Quartz var. Smoky with Rose Quartz Crystal overgrowth
Quartz var. Smoky with Spessartine Garnet inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky with Tourmaline inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky, Amethyst
Quartz var. Smoky, Epidote, Microcline
Quartz var. Smoky, Microcline var. Amazonite, Goethite
Quartz var. Smoky, Microcline, Albite
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst (9)
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst over Barite
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst Quartz (18)
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst Quartz (scepter-shaped formation)
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst Quartz Scepter with Hyalite
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst Quartz scepter-shaped formation with Hematite inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst Quartz skeletal crystals
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst Quartz with 2 movable bubbles (enhydro)
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst Quartz with Hematite inclusions (12)
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst Quartz with Hematite inclusions and Barite
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst scepter (12)
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst Scepter with bubble inclusion
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst Scepter with Hematite inclusions
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst with Hematite
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst with moveable internal bubble (Enhydro) (2)
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst with phantom-growth zoning
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst with two-phase inclusion (Enhydro)
Quartz var. Smoky-Amethyst with two-phase inclusion (Enhydro) and unusual edge faces
Quartz var. Smoky-Citrine Quartz
Quartz var. Smoky-Skeletal Herkimer Diamond
Quartz var. Snakeskin Agate (7)
Quartz var. Solution Quartz (10)
Quartz var. Solution Quartz with Cookeite (2)
Quartz var. Solution Quartz with Dolomite
Quartz var. Stalactitic Chalcedony (3)
Quartz var. Starquartz with Talc
Quartz var. Suttroper Quarze (Suttrop-type Quartz)
Quartz var. Sweetwater Agate (2)
Quartz var. Tessin habit
Quartz var. Tessin habit scepter (2)
Quartz var. Tessin habit scepter with Magnesite
Quartz var. Tessin habit with Ankerite and Muscovite
Quartz var. Tessin habit with Magnesite
Quartz var. Tessin-habit (9)
Quartz var. Tessin-habit with Almandine Garnet, Magnesite, Chlorite
Quartz var. Tessin-habit with Magnesite
Quartz var. Tessin-habit with Magnesite, Chlorite (3)
Quartz var. Tessin-habit with Muscovite
Quartz var. Trinitite
Quartz var. Vulcan Diamond
Quartz var. White Cedar
Quartz wafer-like crystal with phantom-growth zoning
Quartz with acicular inclusions (2)
Quartz with Actinolite
Quartz with Actinolite included phantom
Quartz with Actinolite inclusions (15)
Quartz with Actinolite inclusions.
Quartz with Actinolite var. Byssolite inclusions (3)
Quartz with Actinolite, Calcite
Quartz with Actinolite-Crossite inclusions (2)
Quartz with Aerinite inclusions
Quartz with Ajoite inclusions (5)
Quartz with Amethyst (7)
Quartz with Amethyst and Smoky phantoms
Quartz with Amethyst internal phantom
Quartz with Amethyst phantom
Quartz with Amethyst phantoms (2)
Quartz with amethystine terminations
Quartz with Anatase
Quartz with Andradite Garnet
Quartz with Anhydrite casts
Quartz with Ankerite
Quartz with Arsenopyrite (2)
Quartz with Azurite
Quartz with Barite (3)
Quartz with Barite and Pyrite
Quartz with Beryl, Schorl Tourmaline
Quartz with blue fibrous tourmaline inclusions
Quartz with blue inclusions
Quartz with blue tourmaline(?) inclusions
Quartz with Bornite (2)
Quartz with Boulangerite
Quartz with Boulangerite inclusions (2)
Quartz with Brookite and Rutile inclusions
Quartz with Bubble inclusion
Quartz with Cacoxenite inclusions
Quartz with Calcite (16)
Quartz with Calcite and Chlorite
Quartz with Calcite and Magnetite
Quartz with Calcite and Muscovite
Quartz with Calcite and Pyrite
Quartz with Calcite casts
Quartz with Calcite overgrowth (2)
Quartz with Calcite partial overgrowth
Quartz with Calcite var. Manganocalcite
Quartz with Calcite, Pyrite, Chalcopyrite,
Quartz with casts of after Anhydrite.
Quartz with Chalcocite
Quartz with Chalcopyrite (7)
Quartz with Chalcopyrite and Brookite
Quartz with Chalcopyrite and Galena (2)
Quartz with Chalcopyrite and Hematite
Quartz with Chalcopyrite and Sphalerite (2)
Quartz with Chamosite
Quartz with Chamosite inclusions (2)
Quartz with Chlorargyrite
Quartz with Chlorite (14)
Quartz with Chlorite and Rutile inclusions
Quartz with Chlorite coating (2)
Quartz with Chlorite inclusion and Hematite
Quartz with Chlorite inclusions (23)
Quartz with Chlorite inclusions (phantom-growth zoning)
Quartz with Chlorite inclusions and Pyrite
Quartz with Chlorite inclusions in the termination
Quartz with Chlorite on Calcite (2)
Quartz with chlorite phantom (2)
Quartz with Chlorite phantom-growth inclusions (2)
Quartz with Chlorite phantoms (4)
Quartz with Chrysocolla
Quartz with complex crystal faces
Quartz with Cookeite (3)
Quartz with Cookeite and Elbaite Tourmaline
Quartz with Cookeite on Albite var. Cleavelandite
Quartz with Cuprite
Quartz with Datolite
Quartz with Datolite and Quartz pseudomorph after Calcite
Quartz with dendritic coating
Quartz with Dickite inclusions
Quartz with Dolomite (4)
Quartz with Dolomite and Calcite
Quartz with Dolomite and Chalcopyrite (2)
Quartz with Dolomite, Pyrite
Quartz with doubly-terminated Quartz overgrowth
Quartz with Dumortierite inclusions (6)
Quartz with Elbaite Tourmaline (3)
Quartz with Elbaite Tourmaline and Lepidolite
Quartz with Elbaite Tourmaline inclusions
Quartz with Epidote (4)
Quartz with Epidote inclusions (5)
Quartz with Epidote, Actinolite inclusions
Quartz with Epidote-Hedenbergite inclusions
Quartz with epimorphs after Laumontite (2)
Quartz with etched S faces
Quartz with Ferberite, Calcite and Chalcopyrite
Quartz with fibrous inclusions
Quartz with fibrous Rutile inclusions (Rutilated Quartz)
Quartz with Fluorite (3)
Quartz with Fluorite and Calcite
Quartz with Fluorite and Dolomite (2)
Quartz with Galena
Quartz with Galena (Spinel Law-twinned crystals)
Quartz with Galena inclusions
Quartz with Galena on Epidote
Quartz with Galena, Sphalerite, Ankerite
Quartz with Goethite (6)
Quartz with Goethite inclusions (2)
Quartz with Goethite-Hematite
Quartz with Goethite-Hematite coating plus minor Chalcopyrite
Quartz with green (Chlorite?) inclusions
Quartz with green inclusions (2)
Quartz with green internal phantom-growth inclusions
Quartz with green phantom inclusions
Quartz with green phantom-growth inclusions (4)
Quartz with Halloysite inclusions
Quartz with Hedenbergite-Actinolite-Crossite inclusions (12)
Quartz with Hedenbergite-Actinolite-Crossite inclusions on Andradite Garnet (3)
Quartz with Hedenbergite-Actinolite-Crossite inclusions plus Andradite Garnet
Quartz with Hematite (18)
Quartz with Hematite (?) microcrystals
Quartz with Hematite and Chlorite inclusions (with phantom-growth zoning)
Quartz with Hematite and Rutile inclusions (2)
Quartz with Hematite coating
Quartz with Hematite coating over Calcite
Quartz with Hematite inclusion and Magnesite
Quartz with Hematite inclusions (27)
Quartz with Hematite inclusions (5 crystals)
Quartz with Hematite inclusions (fossilized stromatolites)
Quartz with Hematite inclusions (with phantom-growth zones) (6)
Quartz with Hematite inclusions in Gypsum (2)
Quartz with Hematite inclusions on Fluorite
Quartz with Hematite inclusions on Hematite
Quartz with Hematite inclusions, Calcite, Magnesite
Quartz with Hematite phantom
Quartz with Hematite phantom-growth zones (2)
Quartz with Hematite, Magnesite, Uvite Tourmaline
Quartz with Heulandite
Quartz with Hyalite Opal
Quartz with inclusions (6)
Quartz with internal phantom (5)
Quartz with internal phantom-growth zoning over Calcite
Quartz with internal phantoms (3)
Quartz with iridescent Pyrite
Quartz with Jamesonite inclusions
Quartz with Japan Law-twinned Quartz
Quartz with large moveable bubble (enhydro)
Quartz with large S-face
Quartz with Lepidolite (3)
Quartz with Limonite (7)
Quartz with Limonite and Epidote
Quartz with Limonite coating (5)
Quartz with Lithiophilite and Montmorillonite inclusions
Quartz with Magnesite, Kyanite, Almandine (5)
Quartz with Malachite (2)
Quartz with minor Fluorite inclusions
Quartz with Montebrasite
Quartz with moveable bubbles
Quartz with moveable internal bubble (Enhydro)
Quartz with mud inclusions (2)
Quartz with Muscovite (3)
Quartz with Muscovite inclusions
Quartz with Muscovite var. Star Mica
Quartz with negative crystal cavities (2)
Quartz with negative crystal cavities and inclusions (4)
Quartz with Orthoclase var. Adularia and Chlorite
Quartz with overgrowth of Amethyst Quartz
Quartz with Palygorskite inclusions
Quartz with Papagoite included phantom-growth zoning
Quartz with Papagoite inclusions (2)
Quartz with Phantom
Quartz with phantom and Calcite
Quartz with phantom chlorite inclusions (2)
Quartz with phantom inclusions (4)
Quartz with phantom-growth Chlorite Inclusions
Quartz with phantom-growth zone (11)
Quartz with phantom-growth zone (polished) (2)
Quartz with phantom-growth zone of negative crystal cavities
Quartz with phantom-growth zoned Hematite Inclusions
Quartz with phantom-growth zones (6)
Quartz with phantom-growth zoning (4)
Quartz with phantom-growth zoning of shale inclusions (2)
Quartz with phantoms
Quartz with Prehnite
Quartz with pseudomorphic casts
Quartz with pseudomorphic molds after Barite
Quartz with Pyrite (18)
Quartz with Pyrite and Calcite (2)
Quartz with Pyrite and Chalcopyrite on Sphalerite
Quartz with Pyrite and Goethite
Quartz with Pyrite and Sphalerite (2)
Quartz with Pyrite crystal inclusion (polished)
Quartz with Pyrite crystal inclusions (polished)
Quartz with Pyrite inclusion
Quartz with Pyrite inclusions
Quartz with Pyromorphite (3)
Quartz with Quartz overgrowth
Quartz with Quartz pseudomorphs after Laumontite
Quartz with Quartz pseudomorphs after Pyrite
Quartz with rare crystal faces (2)
Quartz with rare crystal faces and etching
Quartz with rare r- and v-faces
Quartz with red Hematite inclusions
Quartz with red Hematite inclusions over Calcite
Quartz with Rhodochrosite
Quartz with Rhodochrosite and Calcite
Quartz with Riebeckite inclusions
Quartz with Rose Quartz crystals
Quartz with Rutile (3)
Quartz with Rutile and Brookite inclusions
Quartz with Rutile and Hematite inclusions
Quartz with Rutile inclusions (19)
Quartz with Rutile inclusions (Rutilated Quartz) (34)
Quartz with Rutile inclusions (Rutilated Quartz) with Hematite (9)
Quartz with Rutile inclusions (Rutilated Quartz) with minor Hematite (2)
Quartz with Rutile inclusions and Faden-growth Quartz
Quartz with Rutile inclusions and Rutile pseudomorphs after Anatase (3)
Quartz with Rutile inclusions plus minor Hematite
Quartz with S- and X-faces
Quartz with S-faces (4)
Quartz with scepter-shaped Amethyst crystals
Quartz with Scheelite inclusions (2)
Quartz with Schorl Tourmaline and green Chlorite phantom-growth zoning
Quartz with Schorl Tourmaline inclusions (3)
Quartz with Siderite (2)
Quartz with Siderite and Hematite
Quartz with Siderite and Pyrite
Quartz with smoky and amethyst phantom zones
Quartz with Smoky and Amethyst phantoms
Quartz with Smoky phantoms
Quartz with Smoky Quartz
Quartz with solid and fluid inclusions (two-phase inclusions)
Quartz with Sphalerite (6)
Quartz with Sphalerite inclusions
Quartz with Stibnite inclusions
Quartz with Stilbite, Heulandite, Pyrite
Quartz with Titanite and Rutile inclusions
Quartz with Tourmaline inclusions (10)
Quartz with tourmaline inclusions (10.97 carat faceted gemstone)
Quartz with Tremolite inclusions
Quartz with two-phase inclusions (Enhydro)
Quartz with uncommon S-face
Quartz with unusual inclusions
Quartz with unusual spherical inclusions
Quartz with unusual termination
Quartz with Wulfenite and Calcite
Quartz within Quartz
Quartz, Amethystine
Quartz, amethystine scepter
Quartz, ball formations included with green Clinochlore
Quartz, Calcite, Apophyllite
Quartz, Calcite, Babingtonite
Quartz, Calcite, Barite
Quartz, Calcite, Chlorite
Quartz, Calcite, Cookeite, Pyrite
Quartz, Calcite, Epidote
Quartz, Calcite, Hematite
Quartz, Calcite, Prehnite with Laumontite in a cast after Anhydrite
Quartz, Calcite, Pyrite (2)
Quartz, Calcite, Pyrite, Hematite
Quartz, Calcite, Siderite
Quartz, Calcite, Sphalerite
Quartz, Chalcocite, Pyrite
Quartz, Chalcopyrite, Dolomite
Quartz, Chalcopyrite, Galena, Calcite
Quartz, Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite, Siderite
Quartz, Chlorite, Calcite, Galena, Pyrite
Quartz, Cookeite and Ankerite
Quartz, Cookeite and Fluorapatite var. Manganapatite
Quartz, Cookeite, Albite var. Cleavelandite
Quartz, cross formation
Quartz, Datolite, Calcite over Pectolite (4)
Quartz, distorted crystal
Quartz, Dolomite, Chalcopyrite
Quartz, Dolomite, Pyrite
Quartz, Dolomite, Siderite, Pyrrhotite
Quartz, doubly-terminated (3)
Quartz, Fluorapatite, Beryl, Schorl Tourmaline
Quartz, Fluorapatite, Chlorite, Albite
Quartz, Fluorite, Sphalerite
Quartz, Fluorite, Tetrahedrite, Chalcopyrite
Quartz, Galena, Marcasite
Quartz, Goethite, Calcite
Quartz, Hydroxylherderite, Cookeite
Quartz, Malachite in Chrysocolla
Quartz, Muscovite and Beryl var. Aquamarine
Quartz, Pyrite, Chlorite, Sphalerite
Quartz, Pyrite, Cookeite
Quartz, Pyrite, Siderite
Quartz, Pyrite, Sphalerite
Quartz, reverse scepter growth
Quartz, Schorl Tourmaline, Muscovite, Albite (2)
Quartz, Schorl, Albite
Quartz, Siderite, Pyrite (2)
Quartz, Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite (2)
Quartz, Sphalerite, Galena, Pyrite
Quartz, Sphalerite, Pyrite, Calcite
Quartz, Sphalerite, Pyrite, Galena
Quartz, Stilbite, Calcite
Quartz, Stilbite, Fluorite, Pyrite
Quartz, Stilbite, Pyrite
Quartz, unusual crystal habit
Quartz, variety Smoky Quartz
Quartz-Hematite pseudomorph after Epidote (10)
Quartz-Hematite pseudomorphs after Epidote (2)
Quartz-Opal var. Siliceous Sinter
Quartz-Opal var. Siliceous Sinter Geode
Quenselite on Hausmannite

All images copyright by John Betts and may not be used without permission

Type Locality Minerals Field: MINGALL Apatite & Phosphate Minerals Barite & other Sulfate Minerals Calcite Specimens Carbonate Minerals Diamonds Native Elements Fluorite & other Halides Garnet Specimens Gem Minerals Molybdates, Arsenates & Misc. Magnetite & other Oxides Pseudomorphs Quartz Specimens Feldspar, Mica & other Silicates Sulfide & Sulfosalt Minerals Sulfate Minerals Tourmaline Crystals Fluorescent Mineral Specimens Fluorescent Mineral Specimens Zeolite Minerals
Field : LOCGALL Minerals from Africa Minerals from Canada Minerals from Europe Minerals from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan Minerals from Mid-Atlantic, USA Minerals from Midwest, USA Minerals from Mexico Minerals from New York & New Jersey, USA Minerals from New England, USA Minerals from China, Japan, Australia & Pacific Rim Minerals from Russia & former Soviet Republics Minerals from Rocky Mountain States, USA Minerals from Brazil & South America Minerals from Arizona & New Mexico, USA Minerals from Tsumeb Mine, Namibia Minerals from UK, Iceland, Greenland Minerals from Western States, USA Minerals from Type localities