2018 entries of barite Mineral Gallery
Orpiment with Barite
from Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru
Orpiment with Barite
from Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru
Pyrite and Barite
from Lime Crest Quarry (Limecrest), Sussex Mills, 4.5 km northwest of Sparta, Sussex County, New Jersey
Pyrite on Barite
from Frizington, West Cumberland Iron Mining District, Cumbria, England
Pyromorphite on Barite
from Rowley Mine, 20 km northwest of Theba, Painted Rock Mountains, Maricopa County, Arizona
Pyromorphite on Barite
from Rowley Mine, 20 km northwest of Theba, Painted Rock Mountains, Maricopa County, Arizona
Pyromorphite on Barite
from Rowley Mine, 20 km northwest of Theba, Painted Rock Mountains, Maricopa County, Arizona
Pyromorphite on Barite
from Rowley Mine, 20 km northwest of Theba, Painted Rock Mountains, Maricopa County, Arizona
Quartz with Barite
from Morse Brook, near Screw Augur Falls, Grafton Notch State Park, Andover, Oxford County, Maine
Romančchite over Barite
from Ahouli Mines, Aouli, 7 km northeast of Mibladen, Zeida-Aouli-Mibladen belt, Midelt Province, Morocco
Romančchite over Barite
from Ahouli Mines, Aouli, 7 km northeast of Mibladen, Zeida-Aouli-Mibladen belt, Midelt Province, Morocco
Sphalerite, Galena, Quartz, Barite pseudomorphs after Alstonite
from Admiralty Flatts, Hagg's Mine, High Raise, 2nd Sun Vein, Nenthead, Alston Moor, Cumbria, England
Sphalerite, Galena, Quartz, Barite pseudomorphs after Alstonite
from Admiralty Flatts, Hagg's Mine, High Raise, 2nd Sun Vein, Nenthead, Alston Moor, Cumbria, England
Sphalerite, Galena, Quartz, Barite pseudomorphs after Alstonite
from Admiralty Flatts, Hagg's Mine, High Raise, 2nd Sun Vein, Nenthead, Alston Moor, Cumbria, England
Strontianite in Barite
from Strontian, Loch Sunart, Highland (formerly Argyll), Scotland (Type Locality for Strontianite)
Strontianite on Barite
from Strontian, Loch Sunart, Highland (formerly Argyll), Scotland (Type Locality for Strontianite)