Online Mineral Museum Archive of Mineral Photographs and Mineral Descriptions from John Betts - 
Fine and

Pyrite Minerals

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3289 entries of Pyrite Mineral Gallery
Honessite with Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Honessite with Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Hutchinsonite, Orpiment and Barite on Pyrite from Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru

Hutchinsonite, Orpiment and Barite on Pyrite from Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru

Ilmenite and Pyrite from Joppa Hill, Amherst, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

Ilmenite and Pyrite from Joppa Hill, Amherst, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire

Ilsemannite, Ferrimolybdite, Pyrite from Chino Mine, Santa Rita District, Grant County, New Mexico

Ilsemannite, Ferrimolybdite, Pyrite from Chino Mine, Santa Rita District, Grant County, New Mexico

Inesite, Quartz, Pyrite, Calcite from Fengjiashan Mine, Faye, Huangshi, Hubei, China

Inesite, Quartz, Pyrite, Calcite from Fengjiashan Mine, Faye, Huangshi, Hubei, China

Isocubanite, Bornite, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite from 3300 meter depth, 69°24'E-22°39'S, Meso Zone, Triple Junction, Central Indian Ridge, Indian Ocean

Isocubanite, Bornite, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite from 3300 meter depth, 69°24'E-22°39'S, Meso Zone, Triple Junction, Central Indian Ridge, Indian Ocean

Isocubanite, Bornite, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite (Black Smoker Formation) from 3300 meter depth, 69°24'E-22°39'S, Meso Zone, Triple Junction, Central Indian Ridge, Indian Ocean

Isocubanite, Bornite, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite (Black Smoker Formation) from 3300 meter depth, 69°24'E-22°39'S, Meso Zone, Triple Junction, Central Indian Ridge, Indian Ocean

Isocubanite, Bornite, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite (Black Smoker Formation) from 3300 meter depth, 69°24'E-22°39'S, Meso Zone, Triple Junction, Central Indian Ridge, Indian Ocean

Isocubanite, Bornite, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite (Black Smoker Formation) from 3300 meter depth, 69°24'E-22°39'S, Meso Zone, Triple Junction, Central Indian Ridge, Indian Ocean

Jamesonite (or Stibnite) on Pyrite from Sombrerete, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite (or Stibnite) on Pyrite from Sombrerete, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite and Arsenopyrite from Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite and Arsenopyrite from Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite and Pyrite from Mina Noche Buena, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite and Pyrite from Mina Noche Buena, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite on Pyrite from Santa Rita Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite on Pyrite from Santa Rita Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite on Pyrite from Santa Rita Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite on Pyrite from Santa Rita Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite on Pyrite from Noche Buena Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite on Pyrite from Noche Buena Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite on Pyrite from Noche Buena Mine, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite on Pyrite from Noche Buena Mine, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite on Pyrite, Sphalerite, Quartz from Sonora, Mexico

Jamesonite on Pyrite, Sphalerite, Quartz from Sonora, Mexico

Jamesonite with Valentinite on Pyrite from Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite with Valentinite on Pyrite from Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite, Pyrite, Quartz from Mina Noche Buena, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite, Pyrite, Quartz from Mina Noche Buena, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite, Pyrite, Quartz from Milpallas (Milpillas?), Chihuahua, Mexico

Jamesonite, Pyrite, Quartz from Milpallas (Milpillas?), Chihuahua, Mexico

Jamesonite, Quartz, Pyrite from Herja Mine (Kisbanya), Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania

Jamesonite, Quartz, Pyrite from Herja Mine (Kisbanya), Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania

Jamesonite-Boulangerite on Pyrite from Mina Noche Buena, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite-Boulangerite on Pyrite from Mina Noche Buena, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite-Boulangerite on Pyrite and Sphalerite from Mina Noche Buena, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite-Boulangerite on Pyrite and Sphalerite from Mina Noche Buena, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite-Boulangerite on Quartz with Pyrite from Mina Noche Buena, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite-Boulangerite on Quartz with Pyrite from Mina Noche Buena, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite-Boulangerite on Quartz with Pyrite from Mina Noche Buena, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Jamesonite-Boulangerite on Quartz with Pyrite from Mina Noche Buena, Mazapil, Zacatecas, Mexico

Ktenasite, Sphalerite and Chalcopyrite. from Commadore Mine, Creede, Colorado

Ktenasite, Sphalerite and Chalcopyrite. from Commadore Mine, Creede, Colorado

Kyanite with Pyrite from Cullen, Charlotte County, Virginia

Kyanite with Pyrite from Cullen, Charlotte County, Virginia

Kyanite with Pyrite from Cullen, Charlotte County, Virginia

Kyanite with Pyrite from Cullen, Charlotte County, Virginia

Kyanite with Pyrite from Cullen, Charlotte County, Virginia

Kyanite with Pyrite from Cullen, Charlotte County, Virginia

Kyanite with Pyrite from Cullen, Charlotte County, Virginia

Kyanite with Pyrite from Cullen, Charlotte County, Virginia

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite from Sar-e-sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite from Sar-e-sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite from Sar-e-sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite from Sar-e-sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite from Sar-e-Sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite from Sar-e-Sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite from Lajuar Madan, Sar-e-Sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite from Lajuar Madan, Sar-e-Sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite from Sar-e-Sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite from Sar-e-Sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite and Diopside from St. Joe Mine, Edwards, St. Lawrence County, New York

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite and Diopside from St. Joe Mine, Edwards, St. Lawrence County, New York

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite and Diopside from St. Joe Mine, Edwards, St. Lawrence County, New York

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite and Diopside from St. Joe Mine, Edwards, St. Lawrence County, New York

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite and Diopside from St. Joe Mine, Edwards, St. Lawrence County, New York

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite and Diopside from St. Joe Mine, Edwards, St. Lawrence County, New York

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite and Diopside from Sar-e-Sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite and Diopside from Sar-e-Sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite and Diopside from St. Joe Mine, Edwards, St. Lawrence County, New York

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite and Diopside from St. Joe Mine, Edwards, St. Lawrence County, New York

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite and Phlogopite from Sar-e-sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite and Phlogopite from Sar-e-sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite in marble from Sar-e-Sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lazurite var. Lapis Lazuli with Pyrite in marble from Sar-e-Sang, Kokscha Valley, Badakshan, Afghanistan (Type Locality for Lazurite)

Lengenbachite, Pyrite, Dolomite from Lengenbach Quarry, Binntal, Wallis, Switzerland (Type Locality for Lengenbachite)

Lengenbachite, Pyrite, Dolomite from Lengenbach Quarry, Binntal, Wallis, Switzerland (Type Locality for Lengenbachite)

Lengenbachite, Sartorite, Pyrite, Sphalerite from Lengenbach Quarry, Binntal, Canton Wallis, Switzerland (Type Locality for Lengenbachite)

Lengenbachite, Sartorite, Pyrite, Sphalerite from Lengenbach Quarry, Binntal, Canton Wallis, Switzerland (Type Locality for Lengenbachite)

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Milpillas Mine, Cuitaca, Sonora, Mexico

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Milpillas Mine, Cuitaca, Sonora, Mexico

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Ransun, North Carolina

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Ransun, North Carolina

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Aquedale, North Carolina

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Aquedale, North Carolina

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Porter, Stanly County, North Carolina

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Porter, Stanly County, North Carolina

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Kellogg, Shoshone County, Idaho

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Carratraca, Málaga, Andalucia, Spain

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Carratraca, Málaga, Andalucia, Spain

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Milpillas Mine, Cuitaca, Sonora, Mexico

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Milpillas Mine, Cuitaca, Sonora, Mexico

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Wanemaker's Basin, Mount Antero, Chaffee County, Colorado

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Wanemaker's Basin, Mount Antero, Chaffee County, Colorado

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Wanemaker's Basin, Mount Antero, Chaffee County, Colorado

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Wanemaker's Basin, Mount Antero, Chaffee County, Colorado

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Silver Zone Pass, near West Wenden, Elko County, Nevada

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Silver Zone Pass, near West Wenden, Elko County, Nevada

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from near Wrightsville, York County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from near Wrightsville, York County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Porter, Stanly County, North Carolina

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Porter, Stanly County, North Carolina

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Porter, Stanly County, North Carolina

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Porter, Stanly County, North Carolina

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Málaga, Spain

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Málaga, Spain

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Cooapooey Station, Western Australia, Australia

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Cooapooey Station, Western Australia, Australia

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Beaulah, Pueblo County, Colorado

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Beaulah, Pueblo County, Colorado

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Beaulah, Pueblo County, Colorado

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Beaulah, Pueblo County, Colorado

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Crystal Hill, near Quartzite, La Paz County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Crystal Hill, near Quartzite, La Paz County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Zagi Mountain, Mulla Ghori, Tribal Areas, Pakistan

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Zagi Mountain, Mulla Ghori, Tribal Areas, Pakistan

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Kaokoveld, Kunene Region, Namibia

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Kaokoveld, Kunene Region, Namibia

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Mogollon Rim, near Dry Lake, Navajo County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Gold panning prospect, Fanning County, Georgia

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Gold panning prospect, Fanning County, Georgia

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Date Creek, Yavapai County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Date Creek, Yavapai County, Arizona

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Wanemaker's Basin, Mount Antero, Chaffee County, Colorado

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Wanemaker's Basin, Mount Antero, Chaffee County, Colorado

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Fruitville Pike locality, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Llanos de Arenalejos, Ardales, Málaga, Andalusia, Spain

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite from Llanos de Arenalejos, Ardales, Málaga, Andalusia, Spain

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite on Quartz from Boscobel, Grant County, Wisconsin

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite on Quartz from Boscobel, Grant County, Wisconsin

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite on Quartz from Brazil

Limonite pseudomorphs after Pyrite on Quartz from Brazil

Loellingite var. Leucopyrite from Carmel, Putnam County, New York

Loellingite var. Leucopyrite from Carmel, Putnam County, New York

Ludlamite with Pyrite from Huanuni Mine, Dalence Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia

Ludlamite with Pyrite from Huanuni Mine, Dalence Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia

Ludlamite with Pyrite from Black Bird Mine, Lemhi County, Idaho

Ludlamite with Pyrite from Black Bird Mine, Lemhi County, Idaho

Ludwigite with Chalcopyrite and Calcite from Miniera di Brosso, Cálea, Canavese, Torino, Piemonte, Italy

Ludwigite with Chalcopyrite and Calcite from Miniera di Brosso, Cálea, Canavese, Torino, Piemonte, Italy

Ludwigite with minor Chalcopyrite from Miniera di Brosso, Cálea, Canavese, Torino, Piemonte, Italy

Ludwigite with minor Chalcopyrite from Miniera di Brosso, Cálea, Canavese, Torino, Piemonte, Italy

Lulzacite with Pyrite and Siderite from Carričre du Bois-de-la-Roche, Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux, Loire, France (Type Locality for Lulzacite)

Lulzacite with Pyrite and Siderite from Carričre du Bois-de-la-Roche, Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux, Loire, France (Type Locality for Lulzacite)

Löllingite var. Leucopyrite from Keystone District, Pennington County, South Dakota

Löllingite var. Leucopyrite from Keystone District, Pennington County, South Dakota

Magnetite and Chalcopyrite in Calcite from Laurel Hill (Snake Hill) Quarry, Secaucus, Hudson County, New Jersey

Magnetite and Chalcopyrite in Calcite from Laurel Hill (Snake Hill) Quarry, Secaucus, Hudson County, New Jersey

Magnetite and Pyrite from Carlton Talc Mine, Chester, Windsor County, Vermont

Magnetite and Pyrite from Carlton Talc Mine, Chester, Windsor County, Vermont

Magnetite and Pyrite from ZCA Pierrepont Mine, Pierrepont, St. Lawrence County, New York

Magnetite and Pyrite from ZCA Pierrepont Mine, Pierrepont, St. Lawrence County, New York

Magnetite and Pyrite in schist from Chester, Windsor County, Vermont

Magnetite and Pyrite in schist from Chester, Windsor County, Vermont

Magnetite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Demantoid Hill, Sierra Madre Occidental, Sonora, Mexico

Magnetite pseudomorph after Pyrite from Demantoid Hill, Sierra Madre Occidental, Sonora, Mexico

Magnetite with minor Pyrite from Laurel Hill (Snake Hill) Quarry, Secaucus, Hudson County, New Jersey

Magnetite with minor Pyrite from Laurel Hill (Snake Hill) Quarry, Secaucus, Hudson County, New Jersey

Magnetite with Pyrite from Cornwall Iron Mines, Cornwall, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania

Magnetite with Pyrite from Cornwall Iron Mines, Cornwall, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania

Magnetite with Pyrite from ZCA Pierrepont Mine, Pierrepont, St. Lawrence County, New York

Magnetite with Pyrite from ZCA Pierrepont Mine, Pierrepont, St. Lawrence County, New York

Magnetite with Pyrite and Talc from ZCA Pierrepont Mine, Pierrepont, St. Lawrence County, New York

Magnetite with Pyrite and Talc from ZCA Pierrepont Mine, Pierrepont, St. Lawrence County, New York

Magnetite with Tremolite and minor Pyrite from Grace Mine, Morgantown, Berks County, Pennsylvania

Magnetite with Tremolite and minor Pyrite from Grace Mine, Morgantown, Berks County, Pennsylvania

Magnetite with Tremolite and minor Pyrite from Grace Mine, Morgantown, Berks County, Pennsylvania

Magnetite with Tremolite and minor Pyrite from Grace Mine, Morgantown, Berks County, Pennsylvania

Magnetite, Andradite-Grossular, Pyrite, Albite from Marmoraton Iron Mine, Marmora, Ontario, Canada

Magnetite, Andradite-Grossular, Pyrite, Albite from Marmoraton Iron Mine, Marmora, Ontario, Canada

Magnetite, Chalcopyrite, Calcite from Laurel Hill (Snake Hill) Quarry, Secaucus, Hudson County, New Jersey

Magnetite, Chalcopyrite, Calcite from Laurel Hill (Snake Hill) Quarry, Secaucus, Hudson County, New Jersey

Magnetite, Chalcopyrite, Natrolite from Laurel Hill (Snake Hill) Quarry, Secaucus, Hudson County, New Jersey

Magnetite, Chalcopyrite, Natrolite from Laurel Hill (Snake Hill) Quarry, Secaucus, Hudson County, New Jersey

Magnetite, Pyrite, Calcite with Byssolite inclusions from French Creek Iron Mine, St. Peters, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Magnetite, Pyrite, Calcite with Byssolite inclusions from French Creek Iron Mine, St. Peters, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Malachite, Azurite, Barite, Chalcopyrite from Rt. 72 road cut, New Britain, Connecticut

Malachite, Azurite, Barite, Chalcopyrite from Rt. 72 road cut, New Britain, Connecticut

Malachite, Chalcopyrite, Quartz from Ondrick Quarry, Granby, Hampshire County, Massachusetts

Malachite, Chalcopyrite, Quartz from Ondrick Quarry, Granby, Hampshire County, Massachusetts

Malachite, Magnetite, Calcite, Pyrite from French Creek Iron Mines, St. Peters, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Malachite, Magnetite, Calcite, Pyrite from French Creek Iron Mines, St. Peters, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Marcasite and Pyrite from Lutz Quarry, Oshkosh, Winnebago County, Wisconsin

Marcasite and Pyrite from Lutz Quarry, Oshkosh, Winnebago County, Wisconsin

Marcasite and Pyrite on Sphalerite from Mid-Continent Mine, Treece, Cherokee County, Kansas

Marcasite and Pyrite on Sphalerite from Mid-Continent Mine, Treece, Cherokee County, Kansas

Mercury with Tiemannite, Cinnabar, Pyrite from Castle Rock Springs, 24 km northeast of Healdsburg, Sonoma County, California

Mercury with Tiemannite, Cinnabar, Pyrite from Castle Rock Springs, 24 km northeast of Healdsburg, Sonoma County, California

Millerite and Galena on Pyrite from Meikle Mine, 42-20 Heading, Griffin Ore Body, Elko County, Nevada

Millerite and Galena on Pyrite from Meikle Mine, 42-20 Heading, Griffin Ore Body, Elko County, Nevada

Millerite and Pyrite from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite and Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite in Quartz Geode with Chalcopyrite from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite in Quartz Geode with Chalcopyrite from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite with Chalcopyrite from Grube Victoria, Littfeld, Siegerland, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Millerite with Chalcopyrite from Grube Victoria, Littfeld, Siegerland, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Millerite with Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite with Pyrite in Quartz Geode from US Route 27 road cut, Halls Gap, Lincoln County, Kentucky

Millerite, Quartz, Calcite, Siderite, Chalcopyrite from Nanzenbach, near Dillenburg, Hesse, Germany

Millerite, Quartz, Calcite, Siderite, Chalcopyrite from Nanzenbach, near Dillenburg, Hesse, Germany

Molybdenite and Chalcopyrite from West Cumberland Iron Mining District, Cumbria, England

Molybdenite and Chalcopyrite from West Cumberland Iron Mining District, Cumbria, England

Molybdenite with Pyrite from Squaw Peak, south of Camp Verde, Yavapai County, Arizona

Molybdenite with Pyrite from Squaw Peak, south of Camp Verde, Yavapai County, Arizona

Natrolite and Pyrite from Kibblehouse Quarry, Perkiomenville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Natrolite and Pyrite from Kibblehouse Quarry, Perkiomenville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Natrolite with Pyrite from Kibblehaus Quarry, Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania

Natrolite with Pyrite from Kibblehaus Quarry, Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania

Natrolite with Pyrite from Kibblehouse Quarry, Perkiomenville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Natrolite with Pyrite from Kibblehouse Quarry, Perkiomenville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

Norsethite with Pyrite from Rosh Pinah Mine, Lüderitz District, Karas Region, Namibia

Norsethite with Pyrite from Rosh Pinah Mine, Lüderitz District, Karas Region, Namibia

Oligoclase, Sphalerite, Pyrite from San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Oligoclase, Sphalerite, Pyrite from San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Oligoclase, Sphalerite, Pyrite from San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Oligoclase, Sphalerite, Pyrite from San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Orpiment on Arsenopyrite from Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru

Orpiment on Arsenopyrite from Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru

Orpiment on Pyrite from Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru

Orpiment on Pyrite from Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru

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AllMinerals -- JohnBetts-FineMinerals Online Mineral Museum

The minerals illustrated on this site were purchased from collectors or wholesale suppliers for resale purposes. The minerals on this site are presented for reference purposes only. The owner of this site did not collect the minerals and collectors should not assume access is permitted to the property based on inclusion in this museum. Please contact the property owner to obtain legal permission before entering private property.