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Newly Listed Minerals For Sale Page 1B:
This page is being retired. Every week I used to post 80+ minerals, and divide them among two web pages sorted by price. Now I am averaging posting 45 minerals every week. Two separate pages are no longer required. Click here to see ALL minerals posted this week: New Minerals For Sale This Week.
Several design changes were made to this web site this week, including the most-visited pages, the weekly New Listings. Here is a summary of the changes:
Why change the New Listings? Every week I used to post 80+ minerals. They were divided into two web pages to speed page loading, and to assist buyers in finding the prices that fit their collecting preferences. Now I am averaging posting 45 minerals every week. Two separate pages are no longer required. And there was always a percentage of visitors that did not see both pages, or misunderstood why they were separated into two pages. So all new minerals posted will be on a single page: New Listings
You will automatically be referred to the New Listings page in 15 seconds.
Visit our other galleries with the links below: New Minerals For Sale This Week My Best Minerals Featured Galleries Locality Galleries Mineral Categories Molybdates,_Arsenates,_Vanadates Natrolite_Mesolite_Scolecite etc. Uncut Diamond Crystals Sorted Lists of all Minerals on this site |
© John Betts - Fine Minerals,
New York , NY - All Rights
a division of, dealer
of Fine Minerals since 1989.
The minerals illustrated on this site were purchased from collectors or wholesale suppliers for resale purposes. The owner of this site did not collect the minerals and collectors should not assume access is permitted to the property based on inclusion in this site. Please contact the property owner to obtain legal permission before entering private property.