3289 entries of Pyrite Mineral Gallery
Pyrite with Galena
from Four Metals Mine, Patagonia Mining District, Santa Cruz County, Arizona
Pyrite with Galena
from Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru
Pyrite with Quartz
from East Colusa Mine, Butte Mining District, Summit Valley, Silver Bow County, Montana
Pyrite with Quartz
from Sweet Home Mine, Buckskin Gulch, Alma District, Park County, Colorado
Pyrite with Quartz
from Quiruvilca District, Santiago de Chuco Province, La Libertad Department, Peru
Pyrite with Quartz
from Leonard Mine, Butte Mining District, Summit Valley, Silver Bow County, Montana
Pyrite with Siderite
from Panasqueira Mine, Barroca Grande, 21 km. west of Fundao, Castelo Branco, Portugal
Pyrite with Talc
from ZCA Pierrepont Mine, Grange Ore Body, Pierrepont, St. Lawrence County, New York
Pyrite with Talc
from ZCA Pierrepont Mine, Grange Ore Body, Pierrepont, St. Lawrence County, New York
Pyrite with Talc
from ZCA Pierrepont Mine, Grange Ore Body, Pierrepont, St. Lawrence County, New York
Pyrite with Talc
from ZCA Pierrepont Mine, Grange Ore Body, Pierrepont, St. Lawrence County, New York
Pyrite with Talc
from ZCA Pierrepont Mine, Grange Ore Body, Pierrepont, St. Lawrence County, New York